John Porcerelli


Professor of Psychology
Director, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Psychology Clinic

John Porcerelli
Contact Info:
Campus: McNichols Campus
Building: Reno Hall
Room: 142
Phone: 313- 993-1442
John Porcerelli


  • Ph.D., University of Detroit, Clinical Psychology (APA Accredited)
  • M.A., Clinical Psychology, University of Detroit
  • B.A., Psychology, University of Michigan, Dearborn


John Porcerelli joined Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ's faculty in 2016. He is a Professor of Psychology and the director of the Psychology Clinic. From 1996 to 2016, Porcerelli held the rank of professor and served as Director of Behavioral Medicine in the residency program in the Department of Family Medicine & Public Health Sciences, Wayne State University School of Medicine. At Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ, he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses and supervises psychotherapy and doctoral dissertations. He is board certified in clinical psychology and clinical health psychology, American Board of Professional Psychology, and is a graduate of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute. He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, Society for Personality Assessment, American Academy of Clinical Psychology, American Academy of Health Psychology, and the Michigan Psychological Association.

Porcerelli’s research interests have spanned both personality dynamics as well as health psychology. He has conducted studies of object relations and defense mechanisms development, changes in these constructs in response to psychological treatments, the relationship between psychodynamic personality constructs and psychopathology, and outcome of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. As a health psychologist, he has conducted studies of collaborative care (i.e., physicians working side-by-side psychologists in medical settings), predictors of difficult physician-patient relationships, accuracy of self-ratings of physicians during objective structured clinical exams, and has developed curricula for collaborative care in residency programs. His paper titled, "Defense Mechanisms in Pregnant Mothers Predict Attachment Security, Social/Emotional Competence, and Behavioral Problems in Their Toddlers" (American Journal of Psychiatry), won the American Psychoanalytic Association’s Research Award for the greatest scientific contribution to the field of psychoanalysis in 2016. He and his colleague, Alissa Huth-Bocks, Ph.D. (Cleveland Clinic) were funded by the International Psychoanalytic Association for their study of "Stability & Change in Defense Mechanisms from Pregnancy to 2-Years Post Pregnancy" (Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 2022). The Division of Psychoanalysis & Psychoanalytic Psychology of the American Psychological Association awarded Porcerelli with their 2022 Annual Research Award. In 2021, Porcerelli received a faculty appointment from the Department of Psychiatry, Mass General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, to conduct additional studies within the Harvard Study of Adult Development.

Porcerelli is a reviewer for several psychology and medical journals and currently serves as a consulting editor for the Journal of Personality Assessment. For the last 28 years, he has also maintained a private practice in clinical psychology in Birmingham, Michigan.

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    Internships / Training

    Post-Doctoral Fellowship - Detroit Psychiatric Institute/Wayne State University Department of Psychiatry; Postgraduate Graduate - Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute
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    Classes Taught at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ

    • Health Psychology
    • Abnormal Psychology
    • Human Sexuality
    • Cultural Diversity
    • Introduction to Clinical Practice
    • Psychotherapy Practicum & Advanced Psychotherapy Practicum
    • Supervise 2nd Year Projects and Doctoral Dissertations
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    Recent Publications (2015-2020)

    Pad R, Huprich SK, Porcerelli JH. (In press) Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Self-Report and Performance-Based Assessment of Object Relations. Journal of Personality Assessment.

    Paradiso S, Brown WS, Porcerelli JH, Tranel D, Adolphs R, Paul LK. (2020). Integration Between Cerebral Hemispheres Contributes to Defense Mechanism Development. Frontiers Neuropsychology, 11, 1534.

    Keizer B, Roache J, Jones J, Kalpinski R, Porcerelli J, Krystal J (2020) Continuous Ketamine Infusion for Pain as an Opportunity for Psychotherapy for PTSD: A Case Series of Ketamine-Enhanced Psychotherapy for PTSD and Pain (KEP-P2). Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1-4.

    Aafjez-van Doorn, K & Porcerelli, JH (2020) Language Style Matching in Psychotherapy: An Implicit Aspect of Alliance. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 67, 509-522.

    Marek R, Markey C, Porcerelli JH (2020) Introduction to the special section: Assessment of personality and psychopathology in medical settings. Journal of Personality Assessment, 102(2), 149-152.

    Zimmerman T, Porcerelli JH, Arterbery VE. (2019). Defensive Functioning in Cancer Patients, Cancer Survivors and Controls. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 36(3), 259-262.

    Porcerelli J, Jones J, Grabowski, J., Murdoch W. (2019) Behavioral Health Assessments and Interventions of Psychology Trainees and Residents During Dual Interviewing: Replication and Extension. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 26(2), 228-234.

    Porcerelli JH, Hopwood C, Jones J. (2019) Convergent and discriminant validity of the PID-5-BF in a primary care sample. Journal of Personality Disorders, 33(6), 846-856.

    Hinrichs J, Dauphin VB, Munday C, Kamoo R, Kliger P, Porcerelli JH. (2019) Assessing level of personality organization with the Psychodynamic Checklist: A validity study. Journal of Personality Assessment, 101(2), 181-190.

    Richardson L. Porcerelli JH, Dauphin, V. B, Morris, P., Murdoch, W. (2018) Clinical utility of the SCORS-G in primary care. Journal of Personality Assessment, 100(2), 156-165.

    Ziadni M, Lumley M, Doherty H, Porcerelli JH, Rapport L, Schubiner H (2018) Intensive stress and emotion interview for primary care patients with medically unexplained pain disorders: a randomized trial. Health Psychology, 37(3), 282-290.

    Porcerelli, JH, Cramer, P, Porcerelli, DJ, Arterbery VE. (2017) Defense mechanisms and utilization in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy: A pilot study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 205, 466-470.

    Porcerelli JH, Jones JR (2017). Psychological assessment in integrated care: An overview. In ME Maruish (Ed), Handbook of psychological assessment in primary care settings, 2nd Edition (pp. 75-94). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

    Porcerelli JH. (2017). Career bio-sketch. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. New York, NY: Springer.

    Cogan, R., Porcerelli JH (2016). Psychoanalytic treatment in adults: A longitudinal study of change. London: Routledge. (12 Co-authored chapters)

    Ziadni M, Lumley M, Doherty H, Porcerelli JH, Rapport L, Schubiner H (2016) Intensive stress and emotion interview for primary care patients with medically unexplained pain disorders: a randomized trial. Journal of Pain, 17(4), S96-S97.

    Porcerelli JH, Cogan R, Melchoir K, Jazsinski M, Richardson L, Fowler S, Morris P, Murdoch W. (2016). Convergent validity of the Early Memory Index in two primary care samples. Journal of Personality Assessment, 98(3), 289-297.

    Porcerelli JH, Jones J, Klamo R, Heeney R. (In press). Childhood abuse in adults in primary care: empirical findings and clinical implications. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine.

    Porcerelli JH, Hurrell K, Cogan R, Jeffries K, Markova T. (2015) Personality Assessment Screener, childhood abuse, and adult partner-violence in African-American women using primary care. Assessment, 22(6), 749-752.

    Porcerelli JH, Huth-Bock A, Huprich SK, Richardson LR. (2016). Defense mechanisms in pregnant mothers predict attachment security, social/emotional competence, and behavioral problems in their toddlers. American Journal of Psychiatry, 173(2), 138-146.

    Huprich, SK, Auerbach, JS, Porcerelli JH, Bupp LL. (2016). Sidney Blatt’s Object Relations Inventory: Contributions and future directions. Journal of Personality Assessment, 98(1), 1-4.

    Porcerelli JH, Brennon S, Carty J, Ziadni M, Markova T. (2015) Can residents accurately rate communication skills during a resident OSCE? Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 3, 458-461.

    Pouliot GS, Huprich SK, Nelson SM, Pouliot SK, Porcerelli JH, Cawood C., Albright, JJ (2015) Factor structure of the structural dimensions of object representations scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 97(6), 605-615.

    Porcerelli JH, Bornstein, RF, Porcerelli D, Arterbery VE. (2015) The complex role of personality in cancer treatment: Impact of dependency-detachment on health status, distress, and physician-patient relationship. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 203, 264-268.

    Cogan, R., & Porcerelli, J. H. (2016). Psychoanalytic treatment in adults: A longitudinal study of change. London, UK: Routledge.

    Porcerelli JH, Jones JR (In press). Psychological assessment in integrated care: An overview. In ME Maruish (Ed), Handbook of psychological a in primary care settings, 2nd Edition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

    Porcerelli JH, Cogan R, Melchoir K, Jazsinski M, Richardson L, Fowler S, Morris P, Murdoch W. (2016). Convergent validity of the Early Memory Index in two primary care samples. Journal of Personality Assessment, 98, 289-297.

    Porcerelli JH, Huth-Bock A, Huprich SK, Richardson LR. (2016). Defense mechanisms in pregnant mothers predict attachment security, social/emotional competence, and behavioral problems in their toddlers. American Journal of Psychiatry, 173, 138-146.

    Huprich, SK, Auerbach, JS, Porcerelli JH, Bupp LL. (2016). Sidney Blatt’s Object Relations Inventory: Contributions &future directions. Journal of Personality Assessment, 98, 1-4.

    Porcerelli JH, Hurrell K, Cogan R, Jeffries K, Markova T. (2015) Personality Assessment Screener, childhood abuse, and adult partner-violence in African-American women using primary care. Assessment, 22, 749-752.

    Porcerelli JH, Brennon S, Carty J, Ziadni M, Markova T. (2015) Can residents accurately rate communication skills during a resident OSCE? Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 3, 458-461.

    Pouliot GS, Huprich SK, Nelson SM, Pouliot SK, Porcerelli JH, Cawood C., Albright, JJ (2015) Factor Structure of the Structural Dimensions of Object Representations Scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 97, 605-615.

    Porcerelli JH, Bornstein, RF, Porcerelli D, Arterbery VE. (2015) The Complex Role of Personality in Cancer Treatment: Impact of Dependency-Detachment on Health Status, Distress, and Physician-Patient Relationship. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 203, 264-268.

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    Recent Presentations (2015-2020)

    Yamin J, *Tanis T, Porcerelli, JH, Ziadni M, & Lumley, M. Predicting Change in Pain Severity/Interference with Defense Mechanisms in Primary Care Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms. Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Diego, CA, March 2020 (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19 epidemic)

    Melnyk K & Porcerelli JH. Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder in Primary Care Patients. Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Diego, CA, March 2020 (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19 epidemic)

    Eissa R & Porcerelli JH. Are graduate students reliable raters? Examining the reliability and validity of psychotherapy process scales. Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology. New York, NY., April 2020. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19 epidemic)

    Adams B & Porcerelli JH. Adult survivors of child abuse: A Multi-Method Study of Object Relations. Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Diego, CA, March 2020 (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19 epidemic)

    Kunkle K, Jowers C, Porcerelli JH. Levels of Personality Organization on Dependent and Depressive Features: A Multi-Method Study. Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Diego, CA, March 2020 (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19 epidemic)




    Porcerelli JH (Discussant). DPE Research Education Dialogue: Another look at therapeutic action and implications for psychoanalytic education and training. Annual Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, NY, February 2019.

    Porcerelli JH (Chair). Personality assessment in healthcare settings. Presented the paper, A covert measure of mental health: The primary care mini-battery. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Porcerelli JH (Chair). Assessing defense mechanisms in adults and children: Longitudinal, experimental, cross-sectional, and case study. Presented a paper: Maternal defense mechanisms, predict mother & toddler behavior during free play. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Porcerelli JH, Zimmerman, T., & Lucus, T. Thin slice of defense mechanisms: Evidence from the Trier Social Stress Test. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Porcerelli JH. (Discussant) Advances with the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale-Global Rating Method (SCORS-G). Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Porcerelli J, Marek R (Co-Chairs) Health psychology interest group. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    DeSantis AJ, Porcerelli JH. Defensive functioning in adult female primary care patients with a history of childhood abuse and neglect. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Melnyk K, Denton A, Jones J, Porcerelli JH. A primary care study of the doctor-patient relationship: physician emotional intelligence and communication, and patient health behavior. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Zimmerman T, Porcerelli JH, Arterbery E. Defensive functioning in cancer patients, breast cancer survivors, and controls. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Grabowski J, Richardson L, Huth-Bocks A, Porcerelli JH. Defense mechanisms and childhood abuse potential in at-risk pregnant mothers. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Kitchens R, Richardson L, Porcerelli JH. Can PTSD, abuse, depression, and dependency predict alcohol misuse in primary care? Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Adams B, Porcerelli JH. Adult survivors of childhood abuse: A multi-method study of malevolent object relations. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Richardson L, Porcerelli JH, Stein M, et al. Defensive functioning scale, personality pathology, and psychological functioning: A TAT analysis. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Richardson L, Porcerelli JH, Stein M, et al. Assessing TAT narratives using the SCORS-G and DFS. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Blanchard M, Jones J, Porcerelli JH. Personality and interpersonal dependency: Predictors of health behaviors. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.

    Jowers C, Pad R, Porcerelli JH, Cogan R. The impact of psychoanalysis on anaclitic and introjective depressive personality features: A SWAP-200 outcome study. Annual meeting of the Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology, Philadelphia, PA, April 2019.

    Almusawi S, Seifert C, Porcerelli JH. Defensive functioning and its relationship to personality and well-being in college students. Annual meeting of the Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology, Philadelphia, PA, April 2019.

    Porcerelli JH, Huth-Bocks A, Richardson L, Smith JD. Stability & Change in Defense Mechanisms: Pregnancy to 2 Years Post Pregnancy. Annual meeting of the International Psychoanalytical Association, London, England, July 2019.

    Porcerelli JH. (Discussant) Outcomes and process in evidence based psychodynamic psychotherapies. Annual Meetings of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY, February 2018.

    Zimmerman T, Porcerelli J, Arterbery E. Defensive functioning in cancer patients with somatization disorder. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Washington, DC, March 2018.

    Moore I, Porcerelli, J. Relationship between child physical and sexual abuse, borderline personality disorder, and difficult doctor-patient relationships. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Washington, DC, March 2018.

    Melnyk K, Jowers C, Porcerelli J, Jones J, Object relations and emotional intelligence: A primary care study. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Washington, DC, March 2018.

    Porcerelli J, Marek R (Co-Chairs) Health psychology interest group. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Washington, DC, March 2018.

    Porcerelli J (Discussant). Further advances in the development of the SCORS-G. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Washington, DC, March 2018.

    Nahshal N, Lewis S, Almusawi S, Lowe K, Jones J, Porcerelli J. Early Memory index factors, healthcare utilization, and psychopathology. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Washington, DC, March 2018.

    Blanchard M, Porcerelli J, Huprich S.Attachment, dependency, and relatedness: Examining the RPT and RQ across five samples. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Washington, DC, March 2018.

    Eissa R, Porcerelli JH. Effects of attachment style on doctor-patient relationships in primary care. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 2018.

    Porcerelli JH, Huth-Bocks A. Scientific Paper Prize Presentation: Defense mechanisms of pregnant mothers predict attachment security, social/emotional competence, and behavior problems in their toddlers. Annual Meetings of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY, January 2017.

    Porcerelli JH. Changes in personality disorder and object relations: A case of schizoid of personality disorder. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA, March 2017.

    Porcerelli JH, Huth-Bocks A, Richardson L, Smith JD. Stability and change in defense mechanisms: Pregnancy to two years post-pregnancy. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA, March 2017.

    Porcerelli JH. Psychological assessment in primary care settings: Health Psychology Interest Group session. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA, March 2017.

    Andare T, Christoff M, Richardson L, Porcerelli JH. Somatization and Covert Measures of psychological health and self/other representations. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA, March 17, 2017. [Honorable Mention at the Poster Competition]

    LaLonde C, Porcerelli JH. Differentiation-Relatedness and Partner-Violence in Urban Women. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA, March 2017. [1st Place at the Poster Competition]

    Melnyk K, Lewis S, Jones J, Richardson L, Porcerelli JH. Utilization, Somatization, and Health Outcomes in Primary Care Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA, March 2017.

    Fulk B, Huprich SK, Porcerelli JH. Object relations and eating disorders. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA, March 2017.

    Porcerelli JH (Discussant) More than a story: Applying narrative-based research to personality assessment. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA, March 2017.

    Porcerelli JH (Chair) New developments in the study of defense mechanisms. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA, March 2017.

    Porcerelli JH. Research with the Psychodiagnostic Manual (2nd Edition) for clinicians. Discussants: Jeremy Safran, PhD and Woody Waldron, MD. Conference for the introduction of the new PDM2. June 2017.

    Jones J, Dauphin VB, Porcerelli JH, Melnyk K, Klamo R. Emotional intelligence in the difficult physician-patient encounter: A primary care study. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC, August 2017.

    Porcerelli D, Cogan R, Porcerelli JH. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and self/other representations in urban women. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 2016.

    Andare T, Christoff M, Richardson L, Porcerelli JH. Patient relatedness and medical encounter ratings in primary care. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 2016. [Honorable Mention at the Poster Competition]

    King E, Jones J, Melnyk K, Porcerelli JH. Psychological assessment in primary care: What does it look like and who does it? Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 2016.

    Morris R, King E., Porcerelli JH. Early memories and their relationship to psychopathology, abuse, physical health, and doctor-patient relationships in primary care. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 2016. [Honorable Mention at the Poster Competition]

    Porcerelli JH, Morgan D. (Co-chairs) Health psychology assessment interest group. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 2016.

    Porcerelli JH (Chair), Dauphin VB. Assessing Level of Personality Organization with the Psychodynamic Checklist for PDM2. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 2016.

    Porcerelli JH (Introductory Remarks), Pail M. Lerner Memorial Master Lecture by Dan McAdams, PhD. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 2016.

    Ziadni M, Carty J, Doherty H, Lumley M, Porcerelli J, Rapport L, & Schubiner H. Intensive stress and emotion interview for primary care patients with medically unexplained pain disorders: A Randomized Trial. Annual Meeting of the American Pain Society, Austin TX, May 2016.

    Jones J, Porcerelli JH, Warritay O, Dauphin VB. Is EIQ related to physician ratings of patient difficulty? 37th Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine, Chicago, IL, September 2016.

    Porcerelli JH, Klamo R, Heeney R, Jones J. Childhood abuse in adults in primary care: Empirical findings and clinical implications. 37th Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine, Chicago, IL, September 2016.

    Porcerelli D, Cogan R, Porcerelli JH. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and self/other representations in urban women. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 10, 2016.

    Andare T, Christoff M, Richardson L, Porcerelli JH. Patient relatedness and medical encounter ratings in primary care. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 11, 2016.

    King E, Jones J, Melnyk K, Porcerelli JH. Psychological assessment in primary care: What does it look like and who does it? Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 10, 2016.

    Morris R, King E., Porcerelli JH. Early memories and their relationship to psychopathology, abuse, physical health, and doctor-patient relationships in primary care. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 10, 2016.

    Porcerelli JH, Morgan D. (Co-chairs) Health psychology assessment interest group. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 12, 2016.

    Porcerelli JH (Chair), Dauphin VB. Assessing Level of Personality Organization with the Psychodynamic Checklist for PDM2. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL, March 12, 2016.

    Ziadni M, Carty J, Doherty H, Lumley M, Porcerelli J, Rapport L, & Schubiner H. Intensive stress and emotion interview for primary care patients with medically unexplained pain disorders: A Randomized Trial. Annual Meeting of the American Pain Society, Austin TX, May 2016.

    Hurrell K, Markova T, Cogan R, Porcerelli JH. Personality Assessment Screener, Childhood Abuse, and Adult Partner-Violence: An Urban Primary Care Study of Women. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Brooklyn, NY, March 8, 2015.

    LaLonde C, Cogan R, Markova T, Porcerelli JH. Object Relations Inventory: A Multi-method Validity Study with Urban Women Using Primary Care. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Brooklyn, NY, March 8, 2015.

    Tamborello A, Murdoch W, Morris P, Richardson L, Porcerelli JH. Predicting “Difficult” Physician-Patient Relationships in a Family Medicine Residency Clinic Presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Personality Assessment, Brooklyn, NY, March 6, 2015.

    Jones J, Porcerelli DJ, Arterbery VE, Porcerelli JH. Object Relations Inventory: A Multi-method Validity Study with Cancer Patients. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Brooklyn, NY, March 6, 2015.

    Porcerelli JH. Invited symposium discussant: Generating clinical insights using the SCORS-G global and individual scales (Stein M – chair). Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Brooklyn, NY, March 6, 2015.

    Kamoo R, Porcerelli JH, Dauphin VB, Munday C, Hinrichs J, Kliger P. The PDM Psychodiagnostic Chart (PDC) and defensive mechanisms: A study of convergent validity. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Brooklyn, NY, March 6, 2015.

    Porcerelli JH, Huth-Bocks A, Huprich SK, Richardson L. Pregnant mothers’ defenses predict attachment, social/emotional competence and behavior problems in toddlers. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Brooklyn, NY, March 6, 2015.

    Porcerelli JH, Morgan D. Assessment in Health Psychology Interest Group. Annual Convention of the Society for Personality Assessment, Brooklyn, NY, March 6, 2015.

    Porcerelli, JH. (Invited; Visiting Professor) Training mental health professionals to work collaboratively with primary care physicians: Lessons learned from the other “WSU.” Department of Psychology, Wichita State University, April 7, 2015.

    Porcerelli, JH. (Invited; Visiting Professor) Integrating behavioral health and primary care. Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Kansas Medical School, April 8, 2015.

    Porcerelli, JH. (Invited; Paul Gray Visiting Professor) Defense mechanisms: Clinical observation to empirical validation. Baltimore-Washington Psychoanalytic Institute, April 25, 2015.

    Porcerelli, JH. (Invited; Paul Gray Visiting Professor) Utilizing Prenatal Maternal Defense Mechanisms as Predictors of Attachment Security and Social/ Emotional Competence. Paul Gray Memorial Lecture, Baltimore-Washington Psychoanalytic Institute, April 25, 2015.

    Porcerelli, JH. (Invited; Paul Gray Visiting Professor) Psychoanalysis of AVPD & Specific Phobia: A Systematic Case Study. Baltimore-Washington Psychoanalytic Institute, April 25, 2015.

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    Co-PI (with Theresa Wyatt, PhD, Nursing). Physical and psychological health effects of telling your life story. MFA Internal Research Fund, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ. Amount: $8,600.

    PI; Porcerelli, Huth-Bocks. (2017-19). Stability & change in defense mechanisms from pregnancy to 2-years post pregnancy. International Psychoanalytic Association. Amount: $13,800.

    PI; Porcerelli JH (2012-2013). Healthy & pathological dependency, healthcare costs and utilization in cancer patients. Crittenton Cancer Committee (Supplemental grant). Amount: $5, 800.

    Co-I; Cogan R. (2007-2008) Longitudinal study of psychoanalytic therapy for personality pathology. International Psychoanalytic Association. Amount $4,500.

    Co-I; Penner L. et al. (2005-2008). Creating doctor-patient teams to address health disparities. National Institutes of Health (R21). Amount: $450,000.

    Co-I; Cogan R (2005-2006) Longitudinal study of psychoanalytic therapy for personality pathology. International Psychoanalytic Association. Amount: $4,000.

    PI; Porcerelli JH, Markova T (2005-2008) Health effects of abusive-partner relationships on African American women and children. Michigan Dept of Community Health. Amount: $735,000.

    PI; Porcerelli JH (2005-2007). Development of psychotherapy process research skills. Career Research Award, American Psychoanalytic Association. Amount: $30,000.

    Co-I; Cogan R (2005-2006) Longitudinal study of personality pathology & psychoanalytic psychotherapy. International Psychoanalytic Association. Amount: $4,500. Co-I; (2004-2005).

    Shahar G. Longitudinal study of relatedness and doctor-patient relationships among high-risk OB patients: A cross-lagged structural equation study. International Psychoanalytic Association. Amount: $39,700.

    Co-I; (2003-2004). Shahar G. Object relations in anaclitic and introjective individuals. International Psychoanalytic Association Research Fund. Amount: $10,000.

    PI; (2002-2003) Porcerelli JH, Cogan R. Development of a psychological profile of partner-violent men: A Q-sort approach. Family Medicine Research Fund. Amount: $4,705.PI;


    Porcerelli JH, Cogan R. A survey of mental health professionals treating partner-violent men: A Q-sort study. Family Medicine Research Fund. Amount: $2,315.PI;


    Porcerelli J, West P, Wilson K. Domestic violence screening in two primary care clinics. OHEP Center for Medical Education Resident Research Grant, Amount: $4,000.

    Co-I; (1999-2003) Roth L. Champions Project: A Two-tiered Mentoring Approach to Clinical Faculty Development. Department of Health & Human Services. Amount: $ 547,663
