Barry Dauphin


Professor of Psychology
Director of Clinical Training for the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology

Barry Dauphin
Contact Info:
Campus: McNichols Campus
Building: Reno Hall
Room: 248
Phone: 313-993-1650
Barry Dauphin
Areas of Expertise:
Child Therapy, Adolescent Therapy, Adult Therapy


  • Ph.D., Syracuse University
  • M.S., Tulane University
  • B.S., Tulane University


Barry Dauphin graduated from Tulane University magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. He was the recipient of the Aaron Hartman award for undergraduate excellence in psychology. He obtained a Master of Science in Experimental Psychology from Tulane and a doctorate in psychology from Syracuse University in 1988. Dauphin earned an ABPP in Psychoanalysis in 2016 and was elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 39) in 2020. He is a Fellow of the American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis.

Dauphin has worked in various multidisciplinary settings and was involved primarily in practice from 1990-2004, working predominantly with children and adolescents in psychotherapy, psychological assessment, supervision, consultation and parent guidance. He joined Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ faculty in 2004 as an instructor and received a tenure track appointment in 2005. 

Dauphin received tenure and promotion to associate professor in 2009 and was interim director of the Clinical Psychology Master of Arts program from 2008-09. He was appointed Director of Clinical Training for the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology in 2009. He has served on the Clinical Training Committee (CTC) from 2005-present. He received the 2008 Faculty Achievement Award from Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ in recognition of outstanding achievement by a junior faculty member. He was appointed to the rank of Professor in 2014. He was president of the Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology (SPPP) in 2019-20. He serves as treasurer for the American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology (ABPPP). 

Dauphin has a variety of research interests including cognition, information processing and personality/psychopathology, the use of AI in psychological assessment and education, issues in professional practice and professional education, psychoanalytic theory, the impact of American culture on decision making, therapy work with under-served populations and clinical judgment. He teaches graduate courses in Psychoanalytic Concepts, Principles of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Clinical Practicum, Clinical Internship and Child Therapy and an undergraduate course in Abnormal Psychology. 

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    • Predoctoral Internship: Yale University Medical School
    • Postdoctoral Fellowship: Detroit Psychiatric Institute Wayne State School of Medicine
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    Courses Taught at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ

    • Assessment I
    • Principles of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
    • Abnormal Psychology
    • Clinical Practicum
    • Clinical Internship
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    Dauphin, V. Barry (2006). Tantalizing Times. Excitements, Disconnects, and Discontents in Contemporary American Society. Peter Lang Publishing Group. New York | Bern, Switzerland.


    Dauphin, B. (2023). . Neuropsychoanalysis, 1-14.

    Dauphin, B., Greene, H. H., Juve, M., Boyle, M., & Day-Suba, E. (2023). . Perceptual and Motor Skills, 0(0).

    Dauphin, B, Greene, HH, Juve, M, Boyle, M, and Day, E. (2023). Seeing eye-to-eye: Internal Consistencies of Eye Tracking Variables During Rorschach Administration. Rorschachiana. Accepted for publication.

    Siefert, C.J., Porcerelli, J.H., Meehan, K., & Dauphin, V.B (2022). Clinical Utility of Proposed Dimensional Personality Disorder Models: Considerations & Opportunities. In S.K. Huprich (Ed.) Alternative Models for Personality Disorders. Washington, DC: APA Press.

    Dauphin, B, Greene, HH, Juve, M., Boyle, M, Day, E. (2020). Bistable Figure Reversals are Related to Symbol Search Performance: Incremental Validity of Symbol Search as a Measure of Attention and Visual Working Memory. Clinical and Experimental Psychology, Vol 6 (3), 1-4. 

    Dauphin, V. B. (2020). A critique of the American Psychological Association Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adults. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 37(2), 117–127. 

    Caleb J. Siefert, Jim Sexton, Kevin Meehan, Sharon Nelson, Greg Haggerty, Barry Dauphin & Steven Huprich (2019) Development of a Short Form for the DSM–5 Levels of Personality Functioning Questionnaire, Journal of Personality Assessment, DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2019.1594842.

    Rosenberg, L., Dauphin, V.B., Boulanger, G. (2019).  The Impact of Psychoanalytic Consultation for Therapists Working in the Public Sector:  A Pilot Study.  Journal of Applied Scientific Psychoanalytic Empirical Research, JASPER, 2018, Vol. 2., Issue 2, 5-20.

    Xiong, E., Dauphin, B., and Weisfeld, C. (2018). The Influence of Hmong Americans’ Acculturation and Cultural Identity on Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Mental Health Care and Services in Comparison to Traditional Health Beliefs and Practices. Hmong Studies Journal (19) 1-45.

    Nelson, S. M., Huprich, S. K., Meehan, K. B., Siefert, C., Haggerty, G., Sexton, J., et al. (2018). Convergent and discriminant validity and utility of the DSM-5 levels of personality functioning questionnaire (DLOPFQ): Associations with medical health care provider ratings and measures of physical health. Journal of Personality Assessment, 100(6), 671-679.  

    Dauphin, B., Halverson, S., Pouliot, S. and Slowik, L. (2018). Listening to a Patient: An exploratory experimental investigation into the effects of vocalization and therapist gender on interpreting clinical material. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic -View Ahead of Print. .

    Hinrichs J, Dauphin VB, Munday C, Kamoo R, Kliger P, Porcerelli JH. (2018). Assessing level of personality organization with the Psychodynamic Checklist: A validity study. Journal of Personality Assessment,1-10. doi:10.1080/00223891.2018.1436062.

    Richardson, L. A., Porcerelli, J. H., Dauphin, V. B., Morris, P., & Murdoch, W. (2017). The use of the social cognition and object relations scale in a primary care setting. Journal of Personality Assessment, 100 (2), 156-165. doi:10.1080/00223891.2017.1369984..

    Huprich, S., Nelson, S., Meehan, K., Seifert, C., Haggerty, G., Sexton, J., Dauphin, B., Macaluso, M., Jackson, J. Zackula, R., Baade, L. (2017). Introduction of the DSM-5 Levels of Personality Functioning Questionnaire (DLOPFQ). Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 10.1037/per0000264.

    Pad, R. & Dauphin, B. (2017) Pampering/Spoiling. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. Springer International Publishing.

    Christoff, M., & Dauphin, V.B. (2017). Freud's theory of humor. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. Springer International Publishing.

    Issawi, S. and Dauphin, B. (2017). Industry versus Inferiority. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer International Publishing.

    Lalonde, C. and Dauphin, B. (2017). Working Through. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer International Publishing.

    Greene, H. H., Brown, J. M., & Dauphin, B. (2014). When do you look where you look? A visual field asymmetry. Vision Research, 102, 33-40.

    Greene, H. H., Brown, J. M. & Dauphin, B. (2014). A visual field asymmetry in pre- saccadic fixation durations. Journal of Vision, 14, 1213. (Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.).

    Dauphin, B. (2013). Therapists’ Resistance to Understanding the Importance of Technology for Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 12 (1), 45-50

    Dauphin, B. and Greene, H. (2012). Here’s Looking at You. Eye Movement Exploration of Rorschach Images. Rorschachiana, 33, 3-22.

    Dauphin, V. B. & Abell, S. (2010). Infinite Adolescence: A Psychoanalytic Understanding of the Tantalizing Promises Inherent To the Singularity. Psychoanalytic Review, 97(4), 579-605.

    Dauphin, B. and Heller, G. (2010). Going to Other Worlds: The relationships between videogaming, psychological absorption, and daydreaming styles. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. 13(2): 169-172.

    Presniak, M., Olson, T., Porcerelli, J., & Dauphin, V. (2010). Changes in defensive functioning in a case of avoidant personality disorder. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 47(1), 134-139. doi:10.1037/a0018838.

    Dauphin, V. B. (2009). Review of Psychodynamic Therapy: Conceptual and Empirical Foundations (2009 New York: Routledge) by Steven K. Huprich, Ph.D. Humana.Mente, Vol 11, 171-174.

    Abell, S. and Dauphin, B. (2009). The Perpetuation of Patriarchy: The Hidden Costs of Gender Bias in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Children. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 14 (1), 117-133. (Commentary written about the article: Timimi, S. (2009). A Commentary on "The Perpetuation of Patriarchy: The Hidden Factor of Gender Bias in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Children" by Steven Abell and Barry Dauphin. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 14 (1), 135-144.)

    Porcerelli, J.H., Dauphin, V.B., Ablon, J.S., Leitman, S., & Bambery, M. (2009). Psychoanalysis of Avoidant Personality Disorder: Systematic case study of process and outcome. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 57, 444-449.

    Dauphin, V. B. (2008). Psychoanalysis: Science? Humanity? Do We Want a Place or a Palace?The Psychoanalytic Review. 95 (6), 929-946.

    Porcerelli, J, Dauphin, V. B., Ablon, S., Leitman, S., and Bambery, M. (2007) Psychoanalysis with Avoidant Personality Disorder: A Systematic Case Study. Psychotherapy: Research, Practice, Training and Education, 44, 1-13.

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    Dauphin, B., Greene, H, Juve, M, Boyle, M, and Day, E (2023). Complexity and Cognitive Engagement on the Rorschach again: Replication and Extension of the findings of Ales et al (2020). Presented to the Society for Personality Assessment Conference. Austin, TX March 30, 2023.

    Dauphin, B (2022). Past President’s Address. Presented to the 41st annual spring conference of the Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology (Division 39/APA). April 2, 2022. Virtual Conference.

    Juve, M., Day, E., Boyle, M., Dauphin, B. and Greene, HH (2022). Eye Movement Correlates of R-PAS Stress and Distress Domain Variables. Presented to the Society for Personality Assessment Conference. March 12, 2002. Chicago, IL.

    Kopitz, J., Boyle, M., Juve, M., Day, E., Dauphin, B & Greene, HH. (2022). R-PAS Variables Associated with Information Acquisition Strategies When Viewing Human Faces. Presented to the Society for Personality Assessment Conference. March 12, 2002. Chicago, IL.

    Day, E., Boyle, M., Juve, M, Dauphin, B., and Greene, H (2021). Eye Movements (EM) as a Measure of Individual Differences on the Rorschach: Evidence of the reliability of EM indices across the cards. Presented to the Society for Personality Assessment Conference March 19-21, 2021. Presentation recorded for CE.

    Erickson, P., Day, E., Boyle, M., Juve, M., Dauphin, B., and Greene, H (2021). Specific R-PAS variables are associated with different eye movement indices during card viewing. Presented to the Society for Personality Assessment Conference March 19-21, 2021. Presentation recorded for CE.

    Boyle, M., Juve, M., Day, E., Dauphin, B., and Greene, H. (2021). Visual search strategies for Rorschach and Faces. Presented to the Society for Personality Assessment Conference March 19-21, 2021. Presentation recorded for CE.

    Juve, M., Boyle, M., Day, E. Dauphin, B., and Greene, H (2021). General Psychological Distress and Visual Processing on the Rorschach: Evidence for shallower, less complex processing with increases in self-reported distress. Presented to the Society for Personality Assessment Conference March 19-21, 2021. Presentation recorded for CE.

    Dauphin, B. (2019) President’s Address. Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology Spring Conference April 2019.

    Day, E., Boyle, M., Erickson, P., Dauphin, B., Greene, H. & Munday, C. (2019). Looking For Patterns: How Participants Process Rorschach Images, Scenes, and Fractals​. Presented to Society for Personality Assessment Conference March 27, 2019. New Orleans, LA.

    Boyle, M, Day, E., Juve, M., Dauphin, B, and Greene, H. (2019). The Relationship Between Atypical Thinking and Information Processing as Measured by EM Behavior While Viewing Different Visual Stimuli​ Presented to Society for Personality Assessment Conference March 27, 2019. New Orleans, LA.

    Juve, M., Dauphin, B. & Greene, H (2019). An Eye Tracking Study Investigating Rorschach Responses Reflecting Anxiety, Vigilance, and Psychological Presses/Demands. Presented to Society for Personality Assessment Conference March 28, 2019. New Orleans, LA.

    Issawi, S., Dauphin, B. and Mitchell, J. (2018). Muslim American Attitudes Towards Mental Health and Help Seeking Behaviors. presented at APA Convention August 2018.

    Day, E., Boyle, M., Juve, M, Dauphin, B, Greene, H., Munday, C. (2018). Not All Spaces are the Same: Differentiating Space Integration and Space Reversal with Eye Movement Variables. Poster presented to the annual Society for Personality Assessment conference. Washington, DC, March 17, 2018. (Honorable Mention in poster competition).

    Juve, Mindee, Boyle, Mellisa A. Day, Ellen F.. Munday, Cheryl., Dauphin, V. Barry, Greene, Harold H. (2018). What Do We Have In Common? Tendencies to attend to Common Areas on the Rorschach are associated quicker information acquisition strategies. Poster presented to the annual Society for Personality Assessment conference. Washington, DC, March 17, 2018.

    Boyle, M, Day, E., Juve, M., Dauphin, B, Greene, H. PhD (2018). How Did You See THAT? An Examination of Eye Movements During the Rorschach and Their Relationship to Distorted Information Processing in a Non-Clinical Sample. Poster presented to the annual Society for Personality Assessment conference. Washington, DC, March 17, 2018.

    Jones, J., Dauphin, B. PhD, Porcerelli, J., Melnyk, K., & Klamo, R. (2017). Emotional Intelligence in the Difficult Physician-Patient Encounter: A Primary Care Study. Presented to the Annual convention of the American Psychological Association Washington, DC.

    Bahnan, J., Leno, T., Christoff, M., Lotter, H., and Dauphin, B. (2017). The Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale and Two Measures of Adult Attachment. Presented to the Annual convention of the American Psychological Association Washington, DC.

    Dauphin, B. (2017). New Standards, But Old Dilemmas… Paper presented for Division 39 Education and Training Committee Panel “The Times They are A-Changing, But the Song Remains the Same” Sunday April 30, 2017, Sheraton, New York, NY.

    Dauphin, B., Greene, H.H, Juve, M., Boyle, M. and Day, E. (2017). Do Instructions (CS vs. R-PAS) Affect Visual Search Strategies on the Rorschach? Poster presented to the annual conference for the Society for Personality Assessment. Thursday March 16, San Francisco Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, CA.

    Boyle, M., Juve, M., Day. E., Dauphin, B. and Greene, H.H. (2017). Differences in Visual Search on Repeated Administration of the Rorschach Despite Similar Verbal Responses - a Case Study. Poster presented to the annual conference for the Society for Personality Assessment. Thursday March 16, San Francisco Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, CA.

    Christoff, M., Stuart, L., Konja, D., Adams, B., Lotter, H., Dauphin, B. (2017). Gender, Object Relations, and Primary Process Affect. Poster presented to the annual conference for the Society for Personality Assessment. Thursday March 16, San Francisco Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, CA.

    Christoff, M., Burnett, M, Benfield, E., Nahshal, N., Lotter, H., Dauphin, B. (2017). Relationship -Based Attachment and Affective Personality Patterns. Poster presented to the annual conference for the Society for Personality Assessment Saturday, March 18, 2017, San Francisco Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, CA.

    Jones, J., Porcerelli, J., and Dauphin, B. (2017). The Influence of Personality in the Difficult Doctor-Patient Relationship. Poster presented to the annual conference for the Society for Personality Assessment Saturday, March 18, 2017, San Francisco Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, CA.

    Nelson, S., Huprich, S., Baade, L., and Dauphin, B. (2017). Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation of the DSM-5 Levels of Functioning Questionnaire in Two Clinical Outpatient Samples. Poster presented to the annual conference for the Society for Personality Assessment. Thursday March 16, San Francisco Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, CA.

    Jones, J. R., Porcerelli, J. H., Warritay, O. & Dauphin, B. V. (2016). Is EIQ related to physician ratings of patient difficulty? Research presented at the 37th annual Forum for Behavioral Science in Family Medicine, Chicago, IL.

    Lalonde, C. and Dauphin, B. (2016). Secondary Traumatic Stress in Mental Health Therapists: Potential Protective Factors. Poster presented at the annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Denver, CO.

    Boyle, M., Juve, M., Day, E, Dauphin, B., Munday, C. and Greene, H. (2016). Put on a Happy Face: Eye Movement Processes During an Emotion Recognition Task for Human Faces. Poster presented at the annual Convention of the American PsychologicalAssociation. Denver, CO.

    Day, E., Boyle, M., Juve, M., Dauphin, B., Munday, C., and Greene, H. (2016). Emotions at a Glance: Gender Differences in the Perception of Facial Emotions. Poster presented at the annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Denver, CO.

    Dauphin, B. (2016). Contemporary Challenges in Educating Students About Psychoanalytic Ethics and Possible Solutions. Paper presented at the annual Spring conference of Division 39/APA. Westin Hotel, Atlanta, GA. April 9, 2016.

    Dauphin, B. (2016). The Fault Is Not In Our Manual. Paper presented at the annual Spring conference of Division 39/APA. Westin Hotel, Atlanta, GA. April 8, 2016.

    Christoff, M., Lotter, H. and Dauphin, B. (2016). Gender, Attachment, and Primary Process Affect. Poster presented at the annual Spring conference of Division 39/APA. Westin Hotel, Atlanta, GA. April 7, 2016.

    Juve, M. Dauphin, B., Greene, H. and Boyle, M. (2016). Anxiety and Eye Movement Behavior in Identifying Facial Emotions and Responding to the Rorschach: A Comparison of Visual Tasks. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality Assessment. Chicago Marriott Downtown. Chicago, IL. March 12, 2016.

    Porcerelli, J., Dauphin, B., Hinrichs, J., Munday, C., Kamoo, R. and Christian-Kliger, P. (2016). Assessing Level of Personality Organization with the Psychodynamic Checklist for the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality Assessment. Chicago Marriott Downtown. Chicago, IL. March 10, 2016.

    Gabriel, M., Dauphin, B., Slowik, L., McCown, J. and Maher, J. (2015). The Study of Clinical Judgment as it is Affected by Theoretical Orientation and Experience Level. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association 2015 Convention. Toronto, CA.Christoff, M., Lotter, H., and Dauphin, B. (2015). Relationships Between Primary Affect Systems and Attachment Styles: A Preliminary Investigation. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 2015 Convention. Toronto, CA.

    Dauphin, B. (2015). Maintaining a Psychodynamic Focus in a University Setting. Paper presented at the Division 39 Spring Conference, Section V Panel The Disappearance of Psychoanalytic Thinking from the Public Sector: Definite Problems, Possible Solutions, April 24, 2015, San Francisco, CA.

    Juve, M., Dauphin, B., and Greene, H. (2015). The Heat Is On: Measuring Interest Areas on the Rorschach Using Heat Mapping Techniques. Poster presented to the Society for Personality Assessment. Brooklyn, NY March 5, 2015.

    Christoff, M., Lotter, H. and Dauphin, B (2015). What’s Love Got To Do With It? The Affect Neuroscience Personality Scales, Need for Affect, and Sexual Desire Inventory Poster presented to the Society for Personality Assessment. Brooklyn, NY March 6, 2015.

    Lotter, H., Christoff, M. and Dauphin, B. (2015). Together at Last? Primary Process Affect, Object Representations, and Defensiveness. Poster presented to the Society for Personality Assessment. Brooklyn, NY March 5, 2015.

    Richardson, L., Porcerelli, J., Dauphin, B., Morris, P. and Murdoch, W. (2015). Attachment and Interpersonal Relatedness as Models Predicting Somatization, Physical Health and Healthcare Utilization in Primary Care. Paper presented at the Society for Personality Assessment. Brooklyn, NY March 7, 2015.

    Lotter, H. and Dauphin, B. (2014). Playing With Primary Process, Defenses, and Object Representations. Poster Presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 8, Washington, DC.

    Lalonde, C. and Dauphin, B. (2014). Understanding Secondary Trauma for Psychotherapists: Risk Factors and Moderating Influences. Poster Presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 8, Washington, DC.

    Munday, C. and Dauphin, B. (2014). Hidden in Plain Sight: Psychodynamic Training in the World of Accreditation. Presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, August 7, Washington, DC.

    Greene, H, Brown, J. and Dauphin, B. (2014). A Visual Field Asymmetry in Pre-saccadic Fixation Durations. Poster presented to the Vision Sciences Society, Tradewinds Resort, St. Pete Beach, FL. (May 20, 2014)

    Lotter, H. and Dauphin, B. (2014). What Ever Happened to LUST? Expanding the Measures of Primary Process Subcortical Brain Systems for the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales. Poster presented to the Society for Personality Assessment. Arlington, VA. (March 22, 2014).

    Jaber, A. and Dauphin, B. (2013). Relationship Between Identification with Theorists and Clinical Listening. Poster presented at the annual American Psychological Association Convention. Honolulu, HI (August 2, 2013).

    Dauphin, B., Greene, H. and Juve, M. (2013). Cognitive Mediation and Information Processing on the Rorschach. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality Assessment. San Diego, CA. March 23.

    Heller, G. and Dauphin, B. (2012). Predictors of Self-Reported Interfering Video Game Use. Poster presented at the annual American Psychological Association Convention. Orlando, FL. (August 3, 2012).

    Dauphin, B., Greene, H. and Juve, M. (2012). Eye Movement Responses across the Rorschach Cards. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality Assessment. Chicago, IL. March 17.

    Juve, M., Dauphin, B., Greene, H. and Burnett, V. (2012). Emotional Responsiveness to the Rorschach is Reflected in Eye Movement Responses. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality Assessment. Chicago, IL. March 17.

    Gabriel, M., Dauphin, V., & McCown, J. (2011). The Development in Clinical Judgment in Beginning Graduate Students. Poster presentation at the Annual American Psychological Association Conference in Washington, D.C.. (August 5, 2011).

    Heller, G. M., & Dauphin, V. B. (2011, August). Video game use, attachment style, and self-esteem. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. (August 7, 2011).

    Dauphin, V.B. (2011). Using the Time We Have (Left). Paper presented to the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council, East Lansing, MI May 2011. Invited Presentation.

    Dauphin, B., Greene, H., Juve, M. and Burnett, V. (2011). Emotional Responsiveness to the Rorschach is Reflected in Eye Movement Responses. Poster presented at the Celebration of Scholarly Achievements. Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ.

    Dauphin, B., Pouliot, and Nefouse, S. (2011). The Play’s the Thing: an Investigation into Listening to Psychoanalytic Process. Presented to the Michigan Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology, January 9, 2011. Southfield, MI Providence Hospital. Invited Panel.

    Dauphin, B., Pouliot, S. and Nefouse, S. (2010). The same lyrics and singer, but a different melody. Paper presented at the 21st annual conference of the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education. Nashville, TN. Friday, October 29, 2010.

    Dauphin, B. and Heller, G. (2010). Videogaming, Daydreaming, and Psychological Symptoms: A Preliminary Investigation. Poster presented at the 2010 American Psychological Association Convention. San Diego, CA.

    Heller, G. and Dauphin, B. (2010). "The Use of Online Survey Software for Psychology Research Data Collection: Overview of Issues and an Example." Poster presented at the Celebration of Scholarly Achievements. Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ.

    Dauphin, B, Greene, H. Juve, M., and Burnett, V. (2010) Card Sequence, Eye Movement Responses, and the Rorschach. Poster presented at the 2010 American Psychological Association Convention. San Diego, CA.

    Dauphin, B., Greene, H., Dettloff, M., Burnett, V. and Juve, M. (2010). Looking Anew at the Rorschach. Poster presented at the Celebration of Scholarly Achievements. Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ.

    Dauphin, B., Juve, MI. and Burnett, V. (2010). Rating the Rorschach | Measuring Basic Aesthetic Responses to the 10 Rorschach Inkblots. Poster presented at the Celebration of Scholarly Achievements. Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ.

    Heller, G. M., & Dauphin, V. B. (2010, April 30). Exploratory factor analysis of the videogame experiences questionnaire - revised (VEQ-R). Poster presented at the Wayne State University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine.

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    • PI for Health Career Opportunities Program (HCOP) Grant for development of a Psychology Summer Enrichment Program. 2013-2014 Co-PIs-Cheryl Munday, Ph.D., Judy McCown, Ph.D., Linda Slowik, Ph.D.| $111,764.
    • PI for Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students Grant from Health Resources and Services Administration 2012-2016 | $142, 852 per year for 4 years for a total of $571,408.
    • PI for Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students Grant from Health Resources and Services Administration for 2011-12: $5188.
    • Recipient of 2010-11 UDMPU Grant $1,600.
    • PI for Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students Grant from Health Resources and Services Administration for 2010-11: $4780.
    • Recipient of 2009-10 Mellon Grant from Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ: $1,700.
    • Recipient 2009 University Grant (UDMPU): $1,075.
    • Recipient of 2008-9 Mellon Grant from Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ: $2,000.
    • Recipient 2008 University Grant (UDMPU): $2,081.
    • Recipient of 2006-7 Mellon Grant from Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ: $1,200.
    • Recipient of CLAE Faculty Research Grant from Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ (2005-6): $500.
    • Recipient of CLAE Faculty Research Grant from Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ (2004-5): $625.
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    Organizations / Affiliations


    • President Division 39 (Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology) of the American Psychological Association (2019-2020)/ Past president (2021-2022)

    • Member of American Psychological Association (APA) & Divisions: 39 (Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology)

    • Member of the Society for Personality Assessment

    • Treasurer for the American Board and Academy of Psychoanalytic Psychology and Psychoanalysis (2022-2025)

    • Fellow of the American Psychology Association (Division 39/APA)

    • Fellow of the American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis

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    Teaching / Instructional Materials

    • Director/Developer of a video overview of the Ph.D. Clinical Psychology Program for recruitment and pedagogical purposes
    • Director/Developer for Instructional Video (in coordination with UDM Instructional Design Studio): Administering the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Thrid Edition (WAIS-III)
    • Director/Developer for Instructional Video (in coordination with UDM Instructional Design Studio): Administration for the Rorschach Inkblot Method
    • Director/Developer for Instructional Video (in coordination with UDM Instructional Design Studio): Administration Procedures for the MMPI-2
    • Development of Flash Presentations for filling out Assessment forms (WAIS-III; MMPI) Development of Flash presentations for providing more theory on child development for course: Individual Child Therapy (PYC 5320) | Presentations include: the Development of conscience | Needs, Urges, and Feelings | Channeling Life's Energies | Coping with Frustrations | Psychodynamic Child Therapy: Case Presentation Development of Flash Presentations on typical themes for Thematic Apperception Test Cards and TAT Interpretation
    • Development of Flash Presentations for Theories of Schizophrenia | Child Psychopathology | Psychopathology of Later Adulthood for Abnormal Psychology course (PYC 3420)