Academic Policies and Procedures

Students are responsible and accountable for knowledge of the requirements, procedures and regulations set forth in the catalog. Advisors, counselors, faculty and administrative staff may assist students by explaining requirements and procedures in individual instances. However, the ultimate responsibility for compliance with procedures and requirements rests with the student.

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    Academic Advising

    Role of the Academic Advisor

    The academic advisor is a central figure in the development of the student's academic program at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ. In many departments students must consult with and obtain approval of an academic advisor in the development of their schedules for each term, when changing courses (adding or dropping), for clarification of academic policies and procedures and when contemplating changes in their major program or curriculum.

    Advisor Assignment

    For graduate students, advisors are drawn from the full-time faculty, department or program chairs and administrative personnel in the offices of the college or school dean. A good advising relationship requires that both the student and the advisor be comfortable with each other. Students who are uncomfortable or dissatisfied with their advising relationship may request a change of advisor.

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    Student Concerns

    Students should consult with the academic advisor when experiencing concerns at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ.  The academic advisor is well-equipped to refer to the most appropriate campus resource.  Students experiencing personal difficulties are encouraged to utilize available resources that include the Wellness Center/Personal Counseling, the Student Affairs Office, University Ministry, and the Psychology Clinic.  Trained staff in these offices may provide direct assistance to the students or refer to more specialized assistance.  Students may refer other students, by completing the , should a concern arise such as witnessing a struggle with academic, personal, or emotional difficulties or who may be exhibiting concerning behavior.  Additional information can be found /life/dean-students.   

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    Classification of Students

    Class Standing

    Graduate students are not classified based on the number of credit hours they have earned like undergraduate students are classified (freshman, sophomore, etc). Graduate students are all part of one category of students called graduate students.

    Full-Time Student

    To be considered a full-time graduate student, one must register for a minimum of nine credit hours per semester. The normal maximum number of credits that a graduate student can register for each semester is 12 unless the student is enrolled in a program that requires more than 12 credits. Exceptions to exceed 12 credits must be granted by the student's Dean's Office. There are a limited number of graduate courses that are considered full-time regardless of credit hours. Those courses can be found in the each semester using the Advanced Search on Attributes Type equal to Full-Time course. Full-time students who drop below nine credits during a semester may jeopardize their financial aid, athletic eligibility, veteran status or international student status.

    Part-Time Student

    Students are classified as part-time when they register for up to 8.5 credits per semester. Graduate students are considered half-time for financial aid purposes when they enroll in at least 4.5 credit hours during the semester.

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    Graduate Grading System

    Grading Scale

    Grade Quality Points Description Credit Earned
    A 4.0    
    A- 3.7   Yes
    B+ 3.3   Yes
    B 3.0   Yes
    B- 2.7 Below graduate standards Yes
    C+ 2.3   Yes
    C 2.0   Yes
    D 1.0   *
    F 0.0 Failing No
    I - Incomplete No
    P - Passing Yes
    W - Withdrawal (The grade of "W" is not faculty assignable.) No
    WF 0.0 Required to Withdraw-Failing No
    AUD - Audit No
    XF 0.0 No Record Failure No
    S - Satisfactory (Temporary) No
    U - Unsatisfactory (Temporary) No

    ("S" and "U" are temporary grades for research in progress, internships and practica.)

    *Policies relating to the applicability of courses towards graduation in which a grade of C or less is received are determined within each school or college.

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    Incomplete Work

    A petition for a grade of I, Incomplete, is required and may be approved or disapproved at the discretion of the instructor. This grade is only appropriate at the end of the term when the majority of the course requirements have been completed but for serious reason the student is unable to complete the remaining course requirements. Students may not sit in the class in a future semester to complete the work of the original course. Faculty are required to enter a "last date of attendance" when an I grade is issued at the end of the semester. Failure to remain in the course through the end of the semester may impact your financial aid eligibility for that course.

    Graduate regulations require that the work be completed no later than April 1 for Fall term courses and December 1 for courses in Winter or Summer terms. The instructor, the department, or the college/school may establish earlier dates for the completion of incomplete work. Students should acquaint themselves with the deadlines established by their programs. Students who fail to complete the course by the established deadlines lose the right to complete the course. The grade of I remains the grade of record on the permanent transcript. Some colleges/schools will issue a grade of "F" for failure to complete the "I" grade by the deadline.

    Students with an excused absence from a final examination must complete the examination within two weeks of the scheduled date, unless the appropriate college administrator permits a further extension of the deadline in writing. 

    In cases of pregnancy or childbirth, the student will be afforded the time to complete the work consistent with Title IX federal regulations.

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    Pass/Fail Grading

    A limited number of specific courses in some programs are graded on a pass/fail basis. The grade of P earns credit but is not counted in the calculation of the GPA. Pass/fail option is determined by the course. Students cannot elect pass/fail in a graduate level course.

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    XF - No Record Grade - Failure

    A grade of XF will be assigned when the instructor has no record of a student ever attending class although the student is still officially registered for the course and has never withdrawn. XF grades are permanent grades and count in the student’s GPA as an F or failure for the course. These grades are used in the calculation for academic standing at the end of each semester and may contribute to academic warning, academic probation or academic dismissal from the program. XF grades will also impact financial aid because of non-attendance in the course.

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    Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory

    The grades S or U may be used at the graduate level for practica, internships, thesis or dissertation research or for credits for experiential learning earned by examination. S or U grades are temporary and do not contribute to the GPA; an S or U does not earn graduate credit. The S grade indicates the student’s work, if continued, is equivalent to a B or higher; the U grade indicates the student’s work is equivalent to a B- or lower. The S or U grade will be converted to an appropriate traditional letter grade when the project/course is completed. A grade of "U" requires a "last date of attendance" at the end of the semester when the grade is issued. Failure to remain in the course through the end of the semester may impact your financial aid eligibility for that course.

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    Attendance Policy

    The University does not have a University-wide policy on mandatory attendance and participation in classes. However, regular and punctual attendance is expected in all classes. Students are responsible for work missed because of late registration or for any other reason.

    Faculty may have specific attendance policies in their individual course sections, which is detailed in their course syllabus. Faculty may recommend that a student withdraw from class when absence prevents the student from achieving the objectives of the course. The University has the right to administratively withdraw a student for non-attendance.

    The awarding and receipt of any financial aid may be negatively impacted by this non-attendance. If a recipient of Title IV funds withdraws or stops attending courses (including academic dismissal or expulsion) after beginning attendance for any reason he/she may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV Funds.

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    No record is made of individual course withdrawals during the first full week of courses that are more than seven weeks long. If a course is seven weeks or less, a W will appear after the first day of classes. Students who withdraw after the 100 percent drop period will have a grade of W recorded. W grades appear on the student’s transcript, but are not counted in the GPA calculation. The last day to withdraw at 100 percent tuition refund is listed on each course section in the Schedule of Classes.

    A graduate student may withdraw from a course up to the point where 75 percent of the course has taken place. After that time, the instructor and dean's permission is required for a graduate student to withdraw. This request to withdraw must be put in writing. The last day to withdraw for each individual course section is listed in the Schedule of Classes.

    Withdrawals are processed on a Change of Registration form available in the Office of the Dean, Registrar's Office, or online on the Registrar website under the . Upon completing the form and obtaining approval, it must be filed with the Registrar within one week. Failure to submit the form within the filing period will require new signatures and approval.

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    Students who wish to audit a class must register for the course on an audit basis. There is no grade or credit earned for the course but it does appear on the student's official transcript as an audit. Courses taken on an audit basis do not meet any degree requirements. Normal tuition and fees apply for those who wish to audit a course. Students who register for credit and wish to change to an audit must make the change by the end of the add/drop period for that semester. Students who enroll on an audit basis cannot change to earn credit for that course. Attendance is required in order to successfully audit a course. Failure to attend audited classes may result in an administrative withdrawal from the class.

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    Alumni Audit

    The University permits alumni who have graduated from Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ, Mercy College of Detroit and the University of Detroit to take classes on an audit basis after they have graduated, on a space-available basis. The intent of this policy is to allow alumni to maintain professional competence after they have completed their degree at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ. Courses taken under the Alumni Audit Policy can be taken without applying to a degree program. Audited courses do not count towards any degree requirements. Space permitting, students may attend classes at the prevailing tuition rate without receiving credits or grades. Students who wish to attend a course without credit or grade may register for the course as auditors. At the conclusion of the course the grade of AUD will be recorded on the student record, which carries no credit or quality points. Students must attend in order for audit to appear on their academic transcript for the course. All normal withdrawal policies apply for audited courses.

    These classes may be tuition-free under the following conditions: 1) Alumni are limited to two audited classes per semester. There is no lifetime limit to the number of courses that can be audited. 2) All course prerequisites need to be met before taking a class that has prerequisites. 3) Audits can be taken in courses at or below the level of the degree earned at the undergraduate level. Courses at the undergraduate level are restricted to those courses that are part of the earned degree program or a closely related program. The University, through the respective Dean’s Office, reserves the right to determine which courses can be audited by alumni on a tuition-free basis. 4) Alumni may be required to wait until the first week of classes to enroll to determine if there are available seats in the course. No late registration charge will be assessed for this situation. 5) This audit policy covers tuition only. All other fees are paid by the alumnus including any applicable late payment fees, any specific course fees and any service charges that may accrue. 6) Alumni who are registered on an audit basis are expected to attend classes in conformance with the course syllabus in order for the audit to appear on their official transcript record.

    Students who do not attend class may be dropped by the University for non-attendance. If a class is full, the alumnus can be bumped to accommodate a tuition-paying student unless the alumnus wants to remain in the class and pay the appropriate tuition on an audit or credit basis. The tuition for an audited course is the same as tuition for a credit course.

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    Repeating a Course

    A student may request to repeat up to two (2) graduate courses during their graduate career at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ, if this option is permitted by their graduate program/college and the initial grade in the course was less than a B.  Students should contact their Associate/Assistant Dean’s Office to determine if they are eligible and for the required process.   

    If approved for the Graduate Repeat Rule, only the second attempt will be calculated in the earned hours and the cumulative GPA (regardless of which is higher). Both the initial grade/course and the repeated grade/course continue to appear on the transcript. Once the Repeat Rule is applied to a course, the action will not be revoked, nor can courses used in the Repeat Rule be exchanged for other courses. Students who have been approved for the Graduate Academic Renewal option are not eligible for the Graduate Repeat Rule option.  

    It is the student’s responsibility to contact the appropriate office to determine if using the Repeat Rule policy will affect anything including their financial aid, scholarship eligibility, tuition assistance, use of VA benefits, student visa status, etc.   

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    Grade Grievances

    In some instances a student may believe that the final grade received in a particular course is unjustified. In such cases the student may choose to appeal the grade received. Each college has published written grievance procedures that must be followed. A copy of this procedure should be obtained from the dean of the college offering the course. In general, students are advised to consult with the instructor concerned prior to beginning the appeal process.

    All appeals should be filed within 30 days after the end of the semester in which the final grade was received. The decision of the college/school dean is final. Appeal to the academic vice president will be considered only on procedural grounds.

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    Grade Point Average

    The grade point average (GPA) is used to describe the general level of the student’s academic performance at the University. Grade points are assigned to each grade. By illustration: A = 4.0, A- = 3.7, B+ = 3.3, etc. The number of grade points earned in a particular course is determined by multiplying the grade points assigned to the grade given, by the number of credit hours for the course.

    A grade point average is calculated by dividing the sum of the grade points earned by the number of credit hours attempted. The grades of I, S, P, U, W, and AUD are not included in the calculation. Grades earned at other institutions and transferred to the University are not shown on the transcript or used in the calculation of the GPA unless they are part of a specific consortium agreement with another institution.

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    Grade Reports

    Final grades are only available online through Self-Service at Students can view and/or print copies of their final grades anytime throughout the semester once final grades have been issued by the faculty member and have been uploaded to the student's official transcript. Students can also assign view access to their record to third parties through their Self-Service account by using Proxy Access.

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    A student's academic record is sealed when his or her degree is posted. With the exception of errors, omissions, or documented discrepancies, changes to a student's major, minor, concentration, or academic honors, or the removal and/or change of incompletes, grades, or other components of the academic record are not permitted. A permanent, official record of a student's academic performance and progress is maintained by the Office of the Registrar.

    Students can view transcripts online through Self-Service at 

    ONLINE at the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), using a credit card. Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide transcript ordering via the web. There is an additional $2.75 service charge per transcript for using this ordering service. This service is available to current students and alumni 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The site will walk you through placing your order, including delivery options and fees. You can order as many transcripts as you like in a single session. The consent to release form must be returned to NSC before orders are processed and can be signed online. Order updates will be emailed to you. You can also check order status or history online. Your credit card will only be charged after your order has been completed. Orders that cannot be processed due to financial holds will be held for 30 days and then cancelled. If you need help or have questions about the Clearinghouse's transcript ordering service, contact 703-742-7791 or

    Electronic copies of transcripts are available as an option through the National Student Clearinghouse order site for an additional fee. Electronic copies are normally sent shortly the same day the transcript order is placed, as long as their are no holds on the student record. Only those students who have attended since 1988 have an electronic transcript and can order an online transcript be sent. Students who attended University of Detroit or Mercy College of Detroit do not have an electronic transcript. Attempting to order one may delay the transcript order because we will need to contact you regarding your order and have you place a new order with physical mailing address. 

    BY MAIL by sending us a copy of our transcript request form (available on our website) or a handwritten or typed request to the Office of the Registrar. In order to comply with federal regulations the handwritten or typed request must be signed. It needs to include the following: Name you attended under if different from your current name, Social Security Number or student ID number, current address, birth date, daytime telephone number, institution attended (U of D, Mercy College or Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ), year(s) attended or graduated, and complete address of where you would like the transcript sent if different from your home address. Please include the name of the institution, company or business as well as department, if this applies to your order. Check or money order made payable to Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ--$6.00 for each copy that you order. Mail the signed transcript request along with payment to: Office of the Registrar, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ, 4001 W. McNichols Road Detroit, MI 48221-3038

    BY FAX by faxing a signed request that contains the information listed in the BY MAIL option above to 313-993-3317. Fax orders must be charged to a credit card. We need the credit card number, expiration date, security code on the card and zip code of the card holder.

    Additional Information on Transcript Orders: Transcripts sent to you will be marked "Issued to Student".  Your request will normally be processed within two business days and sent via U.S. Mail. If you require faster delivery, we can send your transcript via Express UPS service after the two-day processing time. Fees for express delivery start at $30.00 for addresses in Michigan and go all the way up to $95.00 for international addresses. Please specify that you are requesting UPS express delivery. Please note that UPS delivery to P.O. boxes may experience delay. The Registrar is unable to release transcripts to individuals who have outstanding financial obligations to the University. Questions regarding financial obligations should be directed to the Student Accounting Office at 313-993-1420. No transcripts are mailed on days that the University is closed for holidays, including MLK Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving and the break from Christmas Eve through New Year's Day. Please plan accordingly.

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    Michigan Intercollegiate Graduate Studies (MIGS) Program

    Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ is one of many Michigan colleges and universities with graduate programs participating in MIGS. Graduate students who are in good standing in a Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ degree program are eligible to elect courses at any of the other participating graduate schools in Michigan with the approval of both the host and home institution.

    Students on a MIGS enrollment pay tuition and other fees charged by the host institution for the services rendered. All credits earned under a MIGS enrollment are accepted by the University pending the acceptable final grade. This type of enrollment is limited to six credits for master’s or specialist degree students and nine credits for doctoral degree students. Students are responsible for arranging to have official transcripts forwarded to their home institution upon completion of work.

    Students interested in this program should contact their advisor and the Dean’s Office of their college for further information and instructions.

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    Academic Standards

    Graduate student academic standing is left largely to individual graduate programs that act consistently with the norms of graduate education and University academic standards. To remain in good standing, a graduate student must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 computed on the basis of all courses attempted for graduate credit, including thesis/dissertation, while enrolled in a particular graduate program. The following pertain to the maintenance of good academic standing.

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    Academic Warning

    Students whose grade point average falls below 3.0 in any term will receive an academic warning from the college in which they are enrolled. Such warning enables students to take early corrective action concerning their academic performance.

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    Academic Probation

    Students are placed on academic probation when it appears that their performance places their academic objectives in jeopardy. A student whose cumulative quality point average is below 3.0 is automatically placed on academic probation. Individual programs or colleges may establish additional criteria for placing a student on academic probation. A student who fails to raise the cumulative average to a 3.0 or satisfy the additional program/college criteria in the following term is subject to academic dismissal for poor scholarship. If a student has completed the requisite number of credit hours for his/her degree but he/she has failed to achieve a 3.0 cumulative GPA, he/she may take up to six additional hours in an attempt to establish the necessary 3.0 grade point average.

    A dean may, at his/her discretion, establish specific requirements or conditions for a student on scholastic probation. The dean may require the student to enroll in particular courses, repeat courses, establish a maximum and minimum number of credit hours to be attempted or earned, and/or require a specific minimum quality point average for the next term. Failure to meet such conditions, when established, may lead to academic dismissal.

    Graduate students on academic probation have the option of applying for admission to another college or school within the University. If accepted by that school, the student may be admitted on probationary status.

    The Veterans Administration will be informed if a student receiving veteran’s benefits fails to come off probation at the end of the second term in this status.

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    Academic Dismissal

    Students may be academically dismissed from the college in which they are enrolled as a result of poor academic performance. Academic dismissal may occur when a student has not achieved a 3.0 cumulative quality point average in the term following one in which he or she was placed on academic probation, when terms or conditions established for academic probation have not been met or when the academic record reflects poor performance.

    Students who wish to appeal an academic dismissal should contact the Dean’s Office immediately upon their receipt of notice that they have been academically dismissed. If first contact is made by telephone or in person, it should be immediately followed by a written statement of intent to appeal the academic dismissal. Each college has written procedures that govern appeal from an academic dismissal. These procedures will be explained to the student upon request.

    Students dismissed from one of the University’s colleges for academic reasons may be considered for admission to a different college within the University. Regular admission procedures must be followed. Academic dismissal is entered upon the student’s permanent academic record.

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    Academic Renewal

    A student may utilize the Graduate Academic Renewal option only once during their graduate career at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ, if this option is permitted by their graduate program/college. The department chair/graduate director and the dean’s office will first determine the applicant’s readiness/admissibility into the particular graduate program.  If accepted, the student should contact the Associate/Assistant Dean’s office to request a review for an Academic Renewal option if desired.  

    If, based on the college/school/program policy, the student is approved for the Graduate Academic Renewal option, all graduate course grades of B- or lower are removed from a student’s cumulative GPA and earned credits. Courses and grades continue to appear on the transcript.  All courses taken after a student is approved for the Academic Renewal policy will be included in their cumulative GPA, regardless of grade. Students who have utilized the Graduate Academic Renewal are no longer eligible for the Repeat Rule option on future classes.  

    It is the student’s responsibility to contact the appropriate office to determine if this policy will affect anything including their financial aid, scholarship eligibility, tuition assistance, use of VA benefits, student visa status, etc.

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    Academic Integrity

    As members of the academic community engaged in the pursuit of truth and with a special concern for values, students must conform to a high standard of honesty and integrity in their academic work.

    Instances where academic misconduct occurs include, but are not limited to, falsification or misrepresentation of material used in the admission process, presenting the work of others as one’s own, theft, plagiarism and cheating. These actions pose a threat to the academic integrity of the University and its mission and will be treated accordingly.

    Academic misconduct is subject to disciplinary sanctions. These sanctions include, but are not limited to, reprimand, probation, suspension and dismissal. Students are required to familiarize themselves with the specific protocols of their school or college, available in each respective Dean’s Office or college/school Academic Policy Handbook. Students also have the responsibility to consult the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Student Handbook  for further information on other academic policies and University procedures.

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    Degree Requirements

    The following are the minimum University standards for graduate degrees. Colleges and programs impose SPECIFIC requirements that the student must meet prior to a degree being conferred. Consult the program section of this Catalog for specific requirements.

    Earned Hours

    All master’s degree programs require a minimum of 30 semester hours beyond the baccalaureate level. Students completing a thesis (elected or required) may use six hours of thesis credit toward the minimum total required. Not all master’s programs have a thesis option available.

    All specialist degree programs require a minimum of 60 semester hours beyond the baccalaureate level.

    All doctoral degree programs require a minimum of 48 semester hours beyond the baccalaureate level and a doctoral dissertation. Specific requirements are listed in each program.

    Graduate Courses

    Courses numbered 5000 and above are recognized as graduate courses. Courses below 5000 are not offered for graduate credit. Prior to Fall 2009-10 there were some 4000-level courses recognized as graduate level courses, but that is no longer the practice.


    The residence requirement for a master's program requiring 30 credits: a minimum of 21 semester hours of credit must be completed at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ.

    The residence requirement for a master's program requiring more than 30 credits: a minimum of 24 semester hours of credit must be completed at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ.

    The residence requirement for a specialist program or graduate certificate: at least two-thirds of the required credits must be completed at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ.

    The doctoral degree requires a minimum of one uninterrupted year of full-time attendance.

    Students may transfer up to nine credits for a 30-35 credit-hour master's degree and up to 12 credits for a master's degree program greater than or equal to 36 credit hours. Individual colleges/schools may have additional restrictions limiting the number of transfer credits. Exceptions to these limits may be made if a formal Articulation Agreement exists. Courses only transfer if taken for graduate credit with a grade earned of B (3.0) or higher. The approval of the program chairperson/direction is also required. Other restrictions may apply.

    Students may not earn more than 12 graduate credits towards a master's degree before formal acceptance into the program.

    The maximum number of credits a student can register for is 15 credits per semester. Some programs may restrict a student to less than 15 credits per semester.

    Requirements for Students Concurrently Pursuing Two Master’s Degrees:

    • Students may pursue no more than two master's degrees concurrently.
    • Students may pursue a master's degree and graduate certificate concurrently.
    • Only one major may be granted with each master's degree.
    • Students must be formally accepted into each program (this includes both the master's and graduate certificate programs).
    • Students may not earn more than 12 graduate credits towards a master's degree before formal acceptance into the program.
    • The maximum number of credits a graduate student can register for is 15 credits per semester.
    • Students may transfer up to nine credits for a 30-35 credit hour master's degree and up to 12 credits for a master's degree program greater than or equal to 36 credit hours. Individual colleges may have additional restrictions limiting the number of transfer credits.
    • The student must maintain an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and the GPA within each degree program or graduate certificate must be at least 3.0.
    • Overlapping course limits between two graduate degrees:
      • If both degrees are at least 36 credits, a maximum of 12 overlapping credits may be counted toward the two concurrent degrees if the overlapping credits are approved for both degrees. (Example, two 36 credit-hour programs: minimum number of total graduate credits needed=60 credits.)
      • If either or both degrees are less than 36 credits, a maximum of nine overlapping credits may be counted toward the two concurrent degrees if the overlapping credits are approved for both degrees. (Example, 36 credit-hour program and 30 credit-hour program: minimum number of total graduate credits=57 credits.)
      • Individual colleges may have additional restrictions limiting the number of overlapping credits. Formal joint programs may have other policies.

    Thesis Requirements - Plan A

    Master’s candidates in programs requiring a thesis and candidates in other programs who elect to write a thesis, as well as all doctoral candidates, must present a thesis or dissertation approved by their advisor and program director on some phase of their field of specialization. The thesis or dissertation must be written and typed according to the prescribed format, available in each college Dean’s Office, and be in accord with the other regulations of the University.

    The thesis or dissertation topic must be filed with the dean not later than the date determined by the specific program.

    All research that involves human subjects must be submitted to the Institutional Review Board before research can begin. Information about regulations governing research involving human subjects may be obtained from the Office of Academic Affairs, Room 500, Fisher Administrative Center.

    The thesis or dissertation must be completed, in accordance with all regulations, not later than two years after course requirements have been fulfilled. Master’s theses must be filed in duplicate and dissertations in triplicate with the McNichols Library, Technical Services not later than the date determined by the specific program. Note that some programs require shorter time limits.

    Non-Thesis Master’s Program - Plan B

    Several departments offer degree candidates an option to receive a master’s degree without requiring a thesis. See individual department listings for details.

    Time Limits

    The maximum time permitted for completion of a graduate degree is seven years from the time of admission. Some colleges may impose more restrictive time limitations than seven years. Students who need an extension may apply to the dean of the appropriate college before the seven year limit has ended.

    Comprehensive Examination

    The nature of the comprehensive examination is determined by each department where such examination is required. A candidate who fails the required comprehensive examination may repeat it once only at the next date determined by the college/school. Failure to pass the repeat comprehensive examination will result in the student’s termination from the academic program.

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    Student Outcome Assessment

    As part of the continuing effort to maintain the quality of academic programs, the University has implemented a system of student outcome assessment, in which students are required to participate. This program is designed to determine the growth of student achievement in general education, and changes in student attitudes and values. In addition, Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ also assesses achievement in the student’s academic programs.

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    Application for Degree

    Candidates for degrees or certificates must file their application for graduation the first week of the semester they intend to graduate. The last week of August for Fall/December graduation; the first week of January for Winter and any Summer intentions to complete. The application is online and can be found in your student portal account. Applications received after the deadline may result in denial to participate in the Commencement ceremony and/or delay in the date of graduation.

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    Degree Completion and Commencement

    Degrees are formally awarded only at the annual Commencement exercises of the University in May. Students who have completed their degree requirements at any point in the preceding academic year are invited to participate. Participation in the annual Commencement ceremony in May may be dependent on the completion of all degree requirements. Students must submit their applications by the deadline in order to be invited to participate. Late applications may result in a delay in the date of the degree until the next available degree date.

    Degrees can also be awarded at the end of each month if a student's degree requirements are not complete at the end of the semester. An example is when a student is finishing coursework in which an incomplete had been issued at the end of the semester. Once all degree requirements are met the degree can be awarded on the last date of the month in which the requirements were met.

    A student's academic record is sealed when the student's degree is posted to his/her official transcript. With the exception of errors, omissions or documented discrepancies, changes to a student's major, concentration, or the removal and/or change of incompletes, grades or other components of the academic record are not permitted.

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    Certificate Standards, Policies and Procedures

    Certificate Standards

    Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ recognizes that a certificate is granted to a student who completes a well-defined program of study and is able to demonstrate specific competencies.

    Normally a minimum of 15 semester hours is required for a certificate at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ. No more than one-third of the total number of credits required for a certificate can be transferred from another institution to meet the requirements of their certificate unless a specific articulation agreement is in place. Students must maintain a 3.0 grade point average at the graduate level in order for the certificate to be granted. Prerequisites may be required for some graduate certificate courses. The published grading scale for graduate courses applies to courses taken for a graduate certificate program.

    Certificate Policies and Procedures

    Normally a student is enrolled in no more than one certificate program at a time. Certificates will not be granted retroactively after students have earned a degree. This does not prevent students from returning after the degree to earn the certificate by taking additional coursework. Some certificates must be earned in conjunction with a degree program and others are earned on a stand-alone basis. For students who are not in a relevant degree program, they must declare their intent to complete a certificate prior to completing one-third of the total number of credits toward the certificate. There is an Application for Certificate that must be completed during the first week of the semester in which the student intends to complete all the requirements of the certificate.

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    Release of Student Records

    The University maintains the confidentiality of student records in accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended. At the University, the Registrar coordinates the inspection and review procedures for student records, which include administration, personal, academic and financial files, as well as cooperative education and placement records. No one outside the institution may have access to the student’s educational records without the written consent of the student except: officials of other institutions in which the student seeks to enroll; persons or organizations providing student financial aid; accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation functions; persons in compliance with a judicial order or subpoena; and persons in an emergency in order to protect the health and safety of students or other persons.

    Educational records or components thereof may be made available without the student’s written consent to personnel within the University who are determined by the institution to have a legitimate educational interest.

    Students may review their educational records by making written requests to the Registrar. Students may not inspect financial information submitted by their parents; confidential letters and recommendations associated with admissions, employment or job placement or honors to which they have waived their right of inspection and review; or educational records containing information about more than one student. The University is not required to permit students to inspect and review confidential letters and recommendations placed in their files prior to January 1, 1975.

    The University may disclose the following categories of public or "directory information" for any purpose, at its discretion: Name, addresses, telephone number, dates of attendance, class, previous institutions attended, major field of study, awards, honors (includes Dean’s List), degrees conferred (including dates), past and present participation in recognized sports and activities, physical factors (e.g. height, weight of athletes), date and place of birth and photograph. Currently enrolled students may withhold disclosure of any such information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. To withhold disclosure, written notification must be received by the Registrar prior to the end of the first week of classes for each semester or period of study and remains in effect until the student submits a written request for the removal of the privacy hold.

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    Registering for Classes/Calendar/Credit Hour Definition

    The University operates on a semester basis. Within each semester, there are a number of shorter duration courses that are offered. These dates will be posted in the Schedule of Classes. The start and end dates of a course impact the dates to register, drop, and withdraw from a course as well as the tuition refund policy. Specific and current information on the policies, procedures, dates and deadlines governing class registration is provided in the online Schedule of Classes and Office of the Registrar website prior to each term. The Schedule of Classes is available on the University’s website at

    The U.S. Department of Education posted new regulations, effective July 1, 2011, that define a credit hour: instruct colleges and universities to establish policies and procedures for assuring conformity to the new definition for purposes of determining eligibility for federal program funding; and instruct the institutions’ accrediting agencies to conduct an effective review and evaluation of the reliability and accuracy of the institution’s assignment of credit hours.

    Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ subscribes to these regulations that define a credit hour as an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that as an institutionally-established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:

    1. One hour of classroom of direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks (including exam week) for one semester hour of credit; or

    2. At least an equivalent amount of work for other activities over a different period of time work as required in this definition, or the equivalent amount of work for other academic activities as established by the University including but not limited to internships, directed studies, practica, studio/work performance, and other work leading to the award of credit hours.

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    Most students find it advantageous to register early for classes. Earlier registration improves the probability that students will be placed in the courses they prefer at the times most convenient for them. Some graduate programs require students to see their advisor before they are given access to use TitanConnect for registration each semester. Students with holds on their record may be prevented from registration until the holds have been cleared. Payment arrangements are required before classes begin each semester. Late fees are assessed beginning on the first day of the semester for late registration.

    Consult the section of this catalog on "Tuition and Fees" for information on payment requirements, etc.

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    Late Registration

    Students who, for good and sufficient reasons, were unable to register during the regular registration period may register during the first week of class with a late registration fee. Students desiring to register late should report to their Dean’s Office as early as possible during the first week. Students who attempt to register after the first week of classes may not be allowed to register for that semester. Late registration fees are assessed on all students who register beginning on the first day that classes begin. Online registration and add/drop is available during the first week of classes for all full-semester courses or courses that don't start the first week of the semester. After the first week of classes all late registrations and add/drops must be processed on a paper Advising and Registration form with signatures by the instructors of each course and the Dean's Office. University policy prohibits unregistered students from attending classes.

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    Changes in Registration

    Registered students may change course registration in TitanConnect until the end of the first week of classes for all full-semester courses or courses that don't begin the first week of classes for the semester. After the first week of classes a paper Change in Registration form is required. Forms are available online, in the Registrar's Office or in the college office. These forms require appropriate signatures. To be official, completed Change in Registration forms must submitted to the Office of the Registrar within 24 hours. Forms can be brought in-person or faxed to 313-993-3317 or scanned to Students should be aware that any change which affects a student’s status as full- or part-time may have an impact on his/her financial obligations, athletic eligibility, veteran status, financial aid and/or visa status. Important dates pertaining to the changes in registration described below are listed in each term’s

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    Adding a Course

    Any course added requires the signature of the instructor as well as signatures required by the student’s college (advisor and/or dean) after the first week of classes.

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    Dropping a Course

    Students may drop a course from their schedule online during the first week of classes if the course is within the 100 percent drop period. After the 100 percent drop period, the course can only be dropped by obtaining the signatures required by their college on the Change in Registration form and filing that form in the Registrar’s Office. Online drops in TitanConnect are not permitted past the 100 percent drop period, If a course is dropped during the 100 percent drop period, no record of enrollment for the course will appear on the student’s transcript. The 100 percent drop period for courses seven weeks or less is the first day of the class. The 100 percent drop period for courses more than seven weeks long is the first week of the class. Withdrawals after the 100 percent drop period will result in a grade of W. The last date to drop a course with a 100 percent refund is listed online in the Schedule of Classes within each course section and coincides with the last day to drop without a grade of "W".

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    Administrative (Forced) Withdrawal

    In some cases a "Change in Registration" may be initiated by the University to remove a student from a class (or classes) in which he/she is registered. This action may be taken when a student has failed to follow the procedures, regulations or requirements of the University or college, or when the student has gained registration in a particular class or classes by misrepresentation. This can also occur when a student fails to attend classes and doesn't withdraw on his/her own. The University may also remove a student from online course(s) when the student is a resident of a state from which the University does not have authorization to offer online programs to citizens of that state. When such actions are taken, the course instructor and the student are notified.

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    Repeated Withdrawal

    Students who repeatedly withdraw from all of their classes may be denied permission to register for future semesters. Repeated withdrawals in two consecutive semesters or in any three non-consecutive semesters will result in a written notification and registration hold unless the withdrawals are a result of circumstances beyond the student's control and have been brought to the attention of their college office. Should such withdrawal occur again, the student will be denied permission for future registration.

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    Accreditations and Memberships

    Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and a Member of the North Central Association, 230 North LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60602-2504. 1-800-621-7440

    The University is a member of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, Conference for Mercy Higher Education, the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Michigan, the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, American Council on Education and the National Association of College and University Business Officers.

    The School of Architecture is accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board, the only accrediting agency for architecture in the nation. It is a member of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.

    The College of Business Administration is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB).

    The School of Dentistry's Doctor of Dental Surgery program, Dental Hygiene program, graduate programs in Endodontics, Periodontics, Orthodontics, and the Advanced Education Graduate Dentistry program are accredited by the American Dental Association’s Commission on Dental Accreditation.

    The College of Engineering & Science curricula leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Architectural Engineering, Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, and Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. The Bachelor of Science program in Chemistry is certified by the American Chemical Society’s Committee on Professional Training. The Bachelor of Science program in Biochemistry is within the guidelines stipulated by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

    In the College of Health Professions, the Physician Assistant program is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant. The Master of Science in Nurse Anesthesiology program is nationally accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs. The bachelor degree in Health Information Management and Technology is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management (CAHIIM).

    The McAuley School of Nursing undergraduate and graduate programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

    The baccalaureate degree in Nursing, master's degree in Nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice degree, including the Nurse Anesthesia track, and Post-graduate APRN certificate at Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ, are fully accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW Suite 750, Washington, DC  20001.  Telephone:  (202) 887-6791.

    The School of Law is accredited by the American Bar Association and is a member of the Association of American Law Schools.

    In the College of Liberal Arts & Education, the Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association; the School Specialist program is accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP); and the Developmental Psychology bachelor degree program is recognized by the National Council on family Life (NCFR) as preparation to become a Certified Family Life Educator. The Michigan State Board of Education has authorized the College to recommend applicants for certificates to teach in the private and public schools of Michigan. The State Elementary and Secondary Certificate, Provisional and Professional, are issued by the State Board of Education, on the recommendation of the University. The Social Work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. The Master of Arts programs in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling are accredited by the Council for Accreditation for Counseling and Related Education Program (CACREP).

    Memberships and Professional Organizations

    • Academy for the Study of the Psychoanalytic Arts
    • Academy of Finance
    • Academy of Management
    • Accounting Aid Society
    • Actors Equity Association
    • Actors Guild
    • American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners
    • American Academy of Physician Assistants
    • American Academy of Religion (AAR)
    • American Accounting Association
    • American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
    • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
    • American Association of Individual Investors
    • American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
    • American Correctional Association (ACA)
    • American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
    • American Counseling Association
    • American Economic Association (AEA)
    • American Evaluation Association ()
    • American Finance Association
    • American Forensic Association (AFA)
    • American Historical Association
    • American Institute of Architects (AIA)
    • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
    • American Library Association (ALA)
    • American Marketing Association
    • American Mental Health Counselor Association
    • American Psychological Association (APA)
    • American School Counselor Association
    • American Society for Bioethics and the Humanities (ASBH)
    • American Society for Quality
    • American Society of Trial Consultants (ASTC)
    • American Statistical Association
    • American Studies Association
    • Association for College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
    • Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
    • Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development
    • Association for Psychological Science
    • Association for Specialist in Group Work
    • Association of American Law Schools
    • Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities
    • Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
    • Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
    • Association of Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (ACM SIG SAC)
    • Association of Consumer Research
    • Association of Directors of Psychology Training Clinics (ADPTC)
    • Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Michigan
    • Association of Information Systems
    • Association of Information Technology Professionals
    • Association of International Educators (NAFSA)
    • Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)
    • Association of Marketing Science
    • Association of Michigan School Counselors
    • Association of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools
    • Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors
    • Boys and Girls Clubs of Southeastern Michigan
    • Broadcast Education Association (BEA)
    • Buddhist Peace Fellowship
    • Business Leadership Network of Michigan
    • Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work
    • Canadian Psychology Association (CPA)
    • Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA)
    • Center for Ethics and Religious Values, Notre Dame University
    • Central States Communication Association (CSCA)
    • Chi Sigma Iota
    • Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education
    • College Media Advisers (CMA)
    • College Theology Society (CTS)
    • Collegium Michigan Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters
    • Conference for Mercy Higher Education
    • Cooperative Education and Internship Association (CEIAC)
    • Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology Programs (CUDCP)
    • Council on Social Work Education
    • Decision Sciences Institute
    • Department of Labor and Economic Growth, Member-State Navigator Initiative
    • Detroit Area Library Network (DALNET)
    • Detroit Executive Service Corps
    • Dharma Drum Mountain Cultural Center
    • Director of Independent Libraries in Michigan (DIAL-M)
    • Economic Club of Detroit
    • Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)
    • Financial Education Association
    • Financial Executives International
    • Financial Management Association International
    • Global Jesuit Business Alumni Association
    • Global Jesuit Business Student Association
    • Greater Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce
    • History of Economics Society
    • Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
    • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE)
    • International Association for Business and Society
    • International Association of Addiction and Offender Counselors
    • International Association of Jesuit Business Schools
    • International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education (IFPE)
    • International Listening Association (ILC)
    • International Network of Engaged Buddhists
    • International Society of Feminist Theologians
    • International Transpersonal Association
    • Jane Austen Society of North America
    • John Courtney Murray Theology Group
    • Marketing Management Association
    • MBAA Academy of Finance
    • Medical Ethics Resource Network of Michigan (MERN)
    • Medical Library Association (MLA)
    • Medieval Academy
    • Metropolitan Detroit Medical Library Group (MDMLG)
    • Michigan Academic Library Council (MALC)
    • Michigan Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
    • Michigan Association for Specialists in Group Work
    • Michigan Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Educators
    • Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants
    • Michigan Association of Colleges of Nursing
    • Michigan Association of Industrial/Organizational Psychologists (MAIOP)
    • Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists
    • Michigan Business Leadership Network
    • Michigan Career Educators and Employers Alliance (MCEEA)
    • Michigan Collegiate Press Association (MCPA)
    • Michigan Council of Federal Depository Libraries (MCFDL)
    • Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners
    • Michigan Counseling Association
    • Michigan Health Science Library Association (MHSLA)
    • Michigan Hispanic Fund
    • Michigan Library Association (MLA)
    • Michigan Psychological Association
    • Michigan Religious Roundtable
    • Michigan Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology (MSPP)
    • Michigan Teachers of English as a Second Language (MITESOL)
    • Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants
    • Middle East Studies Association
    • Midwest Cooperative Library Services (MCLS)
    • Midwest Economics Association (MEA)
    • Midwest Finance Association
    • Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)
    • Midwestern Psychological Association
    • MiJob Coalition
    • Mobilization of Disabled Youth Leadership
    • National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors
    • National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE)
    • National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
    • National Association of Social Workers - Michigan
    • National Association of Workforce Professionals
    • National Communication Association (NCA)
    • National League for Nursing (NLN)
    • National Organization of Nurse Practitioners
    • New York Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NYNATAS)
    • Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
    • Organization of American Historians
    • Phi Alpha Delta
    • Physician Assistant Education Association
    • Pi Sigma Alpha
    • Production and Operations Management Society
    • Sakyadhita: International Association of Buddhist Women
    • Screen Royal Historical Society
    • Servicemembers Opportunity College
    • Small Business Institute
    • Social Enterprise Alliance
    • Society for Biblical Literature (SBL)
    • Society for Business Ethics
    • Society for Historians of the Early Republic
    • Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    • Society for Stage Directors and Choreographers
    • Society for the Advancement of Management
    • Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR)
    • Society of Christian Ethics (SCE)
    • Society of Estimators and Cost Analyst
    • Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ)
    • Southeast League of Libraries (SEMLOL)
    • Southwestern Finance Association
    • Special Library Association (SLA)
    • State Bar of Michigan (SBM)
    • State Bar of Michigan Real Estate Section (SBM RES)
    • Student Academy of the American Academy of Physician Assistants
    • Teachers of English as a Second Language (TESOL)
    • The Association of Korean Political Studies
    • The Clute Institute for Academic Research
    • The Korea America Economic Association
    • The Korea America Finance Association
    • Theatre Communications Group
    • Turnaround Management Association
    • United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
    • US Department of Transportation Center (MIOH-UTC)
    • Women's Economic Club
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    Release of Student Records — FERPA

    Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ maintains the confidentiality of student records in accordance with the provision of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended. At the University, the associate vice president and University registrar coordinate the inspection and review procedures for student records, which include admissions, personal, academic and financial files, as well as cooperative education and placement records.

    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. They are:

    (1) The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access.

    Students should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

    (2) The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading.

    Students may ask the University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

    (3) The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

    One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

    A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the University discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

    (4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

    Student Privacy Policy Office
    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington, DC 20202

    The University may disclose the following categories of public or "directory" information for any purpose, at its discretion: student name, addresses, telephone numbers, dates of attendance, class, date and place of birth, major field of study, previous institutions attended, awards, honors (includes Dean's List), degrees conferred (including dates), photograph, past and present participation in officially recognized activities and sports, physical factors (e.g. weight and height of athletes). Currently enrolled students may withhold disclosure of any such information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. To withhold disclosure, written notification must be received by the Registrar by the end of the first week of classes for each semester or period of study.