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Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018

College of Engineering & Science

Mission Statement

It is our mission to serve the Detroit, the national and the world communities through the education of professional engineers, scientists and mathematicians, and through the discovery, application and dissemination of knowledge.

That education will be personally focused in the needs of each student, value centered in the tradition of the Catholic Church, affordable, and unexcelled in quality of instruction and content. It will be characterized by a hands-on nature, which includes frequent laboratory experiences and integrated cooperative experience for all students. It will be convenient to all students, whether full-time or part-time, on-campus or off-campus.

The College will discover and apply knowledge which effectively addresses the critical opportunities and challenges of the urban and industrial communities. It will do so in active and intimate partnerships with industry and government.

We will be helpful, courteous and professional in all internal and external interactions.

Admissions Requirements

First Year Students

To be admitted as first year students to the College of Engineering & Science, applicants must meet ĢƵ's general entrance requirements. In addition, they should have completed at least four units of mathematics, two units of laboratory science, four units of English, and three units of social studies.

The College of Engineering & Science does not admit those who, in its judgment, do not have the background to succeed in its academically demanding programs. Applicants should rank in the upper two-fifths of their high school classes and should have at least a B average in high school mathematics, sciences and English. Special note is taken of scores on the College Entrance Examination (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT). (Minimum of 21 ACT Composite and 21 ACT Math)

Placement tests in English and mathematics are required of all new students admitted into the College; a placement test in chemistry is also required of those applicants whose intended program calls for chemistry. Scores from these tests along with past academic performance are used in determining the level of the first course in each of these disciplines.

Transfer Students

ĢƵ gives full consideration to students who wish to transfer from any accredited college or university. Many such colleges and universities have articulation agreements for various programs in the College of Engineering & Science. Unless the waived by the Dean's office, it is expected that transfer students will take ĢƵ placement tests in English, mathematics and chemistry.

Transfer candidates may be accepted and given the same academic standing as students who have completed the corresponding courses at ĢƵ. However, since the academic standing of each transfer applicant is appraised on an individual basis. In addition to other University requirements, a substantial portion of the major program must be completed from approved major courses at ĢƵ. For example, engineering majors must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of departmental courses from ĢƵ. Engineering courses that seem similar, but do not contain the required content, will not be transferable to the program. Only classes having at least a grade of "C" or equivalent will transfer.

International Students

Qualified international students who are graduates of recognized secondary schools are invited to pursue degree programs in the various departments of the College of Engineering & Science. All students entering the College from secondary schools are required to complete placement examinations in English, mathematics, and (if the intended program calls for it) chemistry.

For students transferring into the College with prior college or university work, it is the policy that official evaluation of transcripts for transfer credit will not be made until after the completion of one term of full-time academic work at the University. This means completion of a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours not including any American Language courses that may be required.

Academic Advisor

The role of the advisor is to provide counsel and guidance concerning program or career objectives, selection of courses during registration, conflicts in scheduling, probation problems, poor grades, tutorial referral and personal matters. Each student has ultimate responsibility for his/her own academic program and should be very familiar with all program requirements.

It is recommended that students run their Degree Evaluation in TitanConnect on a regular basis, and let their advisor or the Associate Dean of ĢƵ know if there are any concerns regarding program requirements.

In order for an advisor to best serve the student, it is important for the student to keep his/her advisor informed on all academic actions (e.g. registrations, add/drop etc.)

The faculty advisor is not authorized to waive pre-requisites, make substitutions to program requirements, or make exceptions to Department/College/University policies. A student who feels that good and sufficient reason exists for such action should submit a written petition to the Associate Dean of ĢƵ for review by the Student Affairs Committee of the College. See the section Exceptions and Substitutions.

Assignment of Undergraduate Advisors

First Time Students: An advisor will be assigned to new freshmen for Summer Orientation and Advising (SOAR). The student may be assigned a new advisor before the next advising session of their first year.

Transfer Students: Transfer students are normally assigned to departmental advisors in the programs of their choice when they begin their time at the University.

General Information:

A departmental advisor in the student's program will be assigned after the first year. If the student is still undecided about the particular program, he or she may continue into the sophomore year with the initial advisor.

It is possible that the assigned advisor is not available for advising purposes. In this case, other faculty in the student's department may provide the necessary service.

In all cases, if a student wishes to declare a major or to change a major, a new advisor will be assigned only after the student formally declares the new major. See the section MAJOR DECLARATION.

Academic Grievance Policy


The faculty of the College of Engineering and Science are educational professionals. Most have accumulated many years of experience. As such, they have become proficient in assessing a student's performance in a class by measuring in an unbiased fashion achievement of the materials presented in the light of the course syllabus. Therefore, it should be rare that a student should grieve the grade they have received in a course. Should a student believe that they have received an unfair grade, they have the burden of presenting a case identifying circumstances beyond their control that may have affected the course grade.


In the event that a grievance occurs between a student and a faculty member on

an academic matter, the following procedure is in effect:

Step 1. Faculty Member:

The grieved party should make every effort to resolve the problem with the faculty member.

Step 2. Chairperson:

If a solution cannot be achieved with the faculty member, then the grieved party may submit, in writing, his/her position on the matter to the department chairperson. If the chairperson can resolve the issue, the grievance procedure is terminated.

Step 3. Departmental Grievance Committee:

If the recommendation is not acceptable to either the student or the faculty member, or if the complaint is against the department chairperson, then the matter becomes the responsibility of the AD HOC departmental grievance committee (where the department has a policy for such.) The department committee makes appropriate recommendations in an attempt to resolve the grievance using procedures established by the department. If the departmental grievance committee can resolve the issue the procedure is terminated.

Step 4. College Grievance Committee:

If no departmental committee exists or if the issue is not resolved by the departmental committee, the student may request in writing a review by the College Grievance Committee. The five person College Grievance Committee consists of one full-time engineering faculty member; one full-time mathematics/science faculty member; one engineering student; one mathematics/science student and an Associate Dean of the College. The Associate Dean will act only to resolve indecision in the committee. The committee will prepare a short written report on its recommendations and the procedure used to reach them. The committee does not change grades. This is the instructor's prerogative.

Step 5. Dean:

If the student is dissatisfied with the recommendation of the committee or the response of the faculty member, he/she may appeal to the Dean.


Academic Integrity (Cheating & Plagiarism)

We are members of an academic community engaged in the pursuit of knowledge, justice, and truth. We seek to integrate the intellectual, spiritual, ethical, and social development of our students and thus expect students to exhibit a high standard of honesty and integrity in their academic activities. The University, and the College of Engineering and Science, fundamentally assume that the work submitted by a student is a product of his or her own legitimate efforts.

In all cases, the burden is on the student to document by appropriate citations the work product of others that might be included in a submission. It is expected that students will conduct themselves with honesty and integrity when taking exams, quizzes and other assessments. It is also expected that students take measures to protect their own work and do not engaging in actions that contribute to others violating academic integrity.

Using the Internet as a source of information can be considered proper if correctly documented; however, if paragraphs, sentences, phrases, keywords, graphs and/or figures (the work product of others) are taken and presented as one's own, without quoting and full citation, it is considered plagiarism.

If violation of these standards is believed to have occurred, either by intent to deceive, or a disregard for proper scholarly procedure, the following procedure applies.


Upon the occurrence of a suspected breach of academic integrity, the instructor of the course will explain to the student(s) involved, the nature of the breach of academic integrity and the reasons for suspecting a violation. The student(s) may use this opportunity to explain their behavior and/or take responsibility for their action.

If the instructor still believes that a violation of academic integrity has occurred, the instructor will complete an Academic Integrity Violation Report Form which will include the sanction(s) imposed. These may include one or more of the following (flagrant or repeat occurrences may include other actions):

  • Assign a grade of "F" (or score of 0) for the work in question (recommended sanction)
  • Assign a grade of "F" for the course (Note: The instructor must continue to grade the student normally pending the outcome of any appeal(s) by the student.)
  • Lower the grade for the work in question
  • Require the student to redo the assignment
  • Request a letter of reprimand be sent from the Dean, a copy kept in the Dean's office

The student may also be required to complete additional educational activities in order to help avoid future academic violations from carelessness or ignorance. If a faculty member's grading policy for this course allows for a low grade to be dropped, the score subject to discipline may not be dropped.

Within two weeks of the alleged violation warranting disciplinary action, the instructor will provide copies of Academic Integrity Violation Report form to the student and to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Any additional relevant documentation will also be provided to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. A hardcopy of this form will be kept in the Dean's office.

The student will then meet with the Asst. or Assoc. Dean for ĢƵ to provide their response to the allegation. In order to maintain his/her right to appeal, the student must provide a written response to the allegation within one week of receiving a copy of the Academic Dishonesty Report form. This document will include an acceptance of responsibility and/or a request to contest the allegation or the penalty.

If the student contests the allegation or the penalty, a hearing will be held with the Student Affairs Committee in a timely manner. The instructor and the student may provide evidence and witnesses as appropriate, but legal representation is not permitted. The student may be accompanied by a faculty advisor whose role is to provide moral support only. The faculty advisor may not be an active participant in the proceedings.

The Student Affairs Committee will review relevant materials and testimony, and then make a recommendation regarding the allegation and the penalty. Note that the committee may recommend a different penalty than initially imposed.

It is expected that all involved will conduct this process with confidentiality and respect. All documents and discussions related to cases and appeals related to incidents of breeches of academic integrity should be held in strict confidence.

If the student or the instructor wishes to appeal the recommendation of the committee, they may do so, in writing, to the Dean of Engineering and Science. A representative of the Academic Affairs committee will present the materials and notes collected by the committee to the Dean, as well as a written report of the committee's findings. The Dean will collect additional information as deemed necessary to make a decision on the appeal. Note that the Dean may recommend a different penalty than recommended by the committee. Any further appeals must be approved by the Academic Vice President.


Possible penalties for a repeated or flagrant offense may include:

  • a grade of "F" in the course
  • suspension from the College
  • expulsion from the College

Examples of flagrant offenses include but are not limited to the following: use of a surrogate to take an examination; physical theft of another student's work; use of intimidation to obtain the aid of another student, theft of an examination, electronic theft of course related materials. In such a case, the penalty will be suspension or expulsion from the College, even upon a first offense.

Academic Standards

Regardless of formal notice, a student's academic status is determined as outlined below. While the overall QPA is the principal criterion for academic standing, other factors, such as the QPA for the latest term, the major QPA, progress in required courses, number of courses in which registered and actually completed, and any pattern of frequent withdrawals and/or incomplete grades may be considered in making the decision on academic status.

In order to remain in good standing in the College of Engineering and Science, a student must maintain a cumulative quality point average (QPA) of at least 2.00 and a 2.00 QPA for the courses in their major.

Academic Standing Rules

New Freshmen

  • Good Standing: Term QPA ≧ 2.00
  • Academic Warning: 1.70 ≤ Term QPA < 2.00
  • Probation: 1.00 ≤ Term QPA < 1.70
  • Dismissed: Term QPA < 1.00

Other Students

  • Good Standing: Term QPA ≧ 2.00 AND Cumulative QPA ≧ 2.00
  • Academic Warning: Term QPA < 2.00 AND Cumulative QPA ≧ 2.00
  • Probation: Previously in good standing AND Cumulative QPA < 2.00
  • Probation: Previously on probation AND Cumulative QPA < 2.00 AND Term QPA ≧ 2.00
  • Dismissed: Previously on probation AND Term QPA < 2.00

Probationary Students

A student whose cumulative QPA is below 2.00 is automatically placed on academic probation (whether officially notified or not). He/She must meet with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to discuss and sign a probation agreement. Conditions and restrictions in this agreement are set for the term in which the student registers following the probationary status. Registration without this agreement is considered invalid. If a student has already registered before receiving notification of the probationary status, he/she must contact the Dean's Office immediately or risk being withdrawn from courses.

If a student does not satisfy the conditions of the probationary contract he/she is dismissed from the College.

Dismissed Students

Any student who has been Dismissed from the College will be administratively withdrawn from any registered courses, including co-op. A student may appeal their dismissal in writing.

A student who wishes to appeal the dismissal and petition for readmission must write a letter of appeal and meet personally with the Student Affairs Committee of the College. In the letter, the student must fully explain any extenuating circumstances which led to the dismissal, and describe steps which he/she has taken to ensure that future academic performance will improve significantly. Based on the written petition from the student, the Committee explores the circumstances associated with the student's performance and then grants or denies the petition to continue to take classes. The Committee is authorized to place conditions on the student's enrollment. These might include, but are not restricted to, limiting of the academic load, requiring the repetition of previous course work, and requiring attainment of a QPA higher than 2.0.

Dismissed students may apply for re-admission or may apply for admission to another college or school within the University.


Advanced Placement

Many Engineering and Science incoming students have taken “Advanced Placement” (AP) tests while in high school which can generate college credit and/or specific course equivalencies. Any student who has taken “AP” tests should have the scores forwarded to the University for evaluation. If the score(s) meet the necessary minimums, as defined by the University, credit will be issued. This credit will be counted as hours earned but will not count in the calculation of the QPA (i.e. AP credit will be treated the same as transfer credit). Even though credit is an option, it is the decision of the student as to whether they will accept the AP credit or take the course for which they could receive credit. Some programs may encourage students not to accept certain AP credits earned.

Alcohol Policy

It is a violation of Detroit City Ordinance 38-5-1 to consume alcohol or liquor on the street or sidewalk. On campus, licensed areas are approved by the MLCC for the consumption of alcohol by those 21 years of age or older. Academic buildings, hallways, lounges, campus grounds, and athletic fields are “public places” under law and University policy, meaning consumption is banned unless a temporary permit is obtained from the state.


The University defers the attendance policy to the individual instructors. It is expected that students will attend all class sessions and be prepared to contribute as required. As a courtesy, the student should inform the instructor prior to an absence or within 24 hours. If a student misses an assignment, examination, or quiz, the instructor is not required to provide a make-up. Depending on the policy of the instructor, attendance can affect the course grade.

Auditing a Class

All course registrations at the ĢƵ are “credit” registrations. Any student wishing to take a course on an “AUDIT” basis (i.e. gain knowledge without receiving academic credit) must do so by registering for credit using the paper registration form. After the second week of the term, students may not change a course from credit to audit, or from audit to credit. A student who is auditing a course pays the applicable tuition and fees for the course. The course will appear on the transcript with the grade “AUD”. The student receives no earned credit for the course. Before approving an audit registration change, an advisor should have the student check the financial aid implications of an audit registration. International students should check with the ISO before an audit registration.

Catalog of Entry

Students whose interruption of study at the University is less than one year retain the right to the requirements of their catalog of entry. Students who have not completed course work at the University for one year or more will have their previous work reevaluated according to the requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of readmission. If a program/degree has been discontinued during the period of inactivity then the applicant is not entitled to request a program or classes that no longer exist. The College will work with students in this situation to provide them with a program that is as close to the initial objectives as possible so that as much of the course work previously taken can be applied to the new program. It may also be required for a student who has been academically inactive for several years to repeat some key courses that are prerequisites for major courses, even though they have received credit for the former course work. Consult the program chairperson and Associate Dean for ĢƵ about this.

Change in Grade

On rare occasions, a student may receive an incorrect grade (i.e. posting error). Should this occur, the student must contact the instructor, chairperson or Associate Dean,directly within 30 days of receiving the grade. With sufficient reason the instructor may submit a change in grade form (including the reason for the change). These must be approved by the Dean’s Office. Grades will not be changed if an extended period (e.g. six months) between the assignment of the grade and the action to correct the matter has expired. Appeals must be made to the Associate Dean for ĢƵ and the Provost.

Change in Registration (Add/Drop)

Change in Registration (Add/Drop)

Prior to the start of classes and through Add/Drop week (the first week of classes for 14 week courses), students can use TitanConnect to add/drop classes with the permission of the advisor (granted by the removal of the registration PIN.) If, after registration has been completed a change is needed in the student's schedule, the student should confer with their advisor before making any changes, and a record of the agreed upon change should be put in the student's file. If the change is being made after Add/Drop week, the student must complete a "Change of Registration Form," available in the College Records Office or the Science Offices. This form is sometimes called the Add/Drop form because it can be used for both purposes. After Add/Drop Week, the Change in Registration Form should be signed by the advisor and the instructor(s) of any classes being added, and the Dean's office. After obtaining the proper signatures it may be taken to the Registrar's Office for processing.

Attempting to add a course that is closed, or that has another restriction preventing the student to register, will not be permitted without the signature approval of the instruction and one of the College Deans on the "Override Approval Form." With all of the correct signatures, courses may be added up to and during the first week of the term. In rare circumstances, it may be possible to add a course later than the first week. It should be noted however, that late entry into a course entails missed instructional material and/or assessments (which can put students at a severe academic disadvantage) and late registration charges.

In order to drop a course, the student must obtain the signatures of his/her advisor or one of the College deans. Be aware that the dropping of a course is a formal process; it is not sufficient to simply walk away from a course. The latter action will almost certainly result in a failing grade and a continued responsibility to meet the full tuition charges for the course. If a course is dropped prior to the "delete date" (the end of the first week of the term), the course is deleted from the student's record. If the course is dropped between the "delete date" and the "withdrawal date" (approximately the twelfth week of the term) a "W" appears on the student's record. After the "withdrawal date" a course cannot be dropped. These timetables are adjusted for the abbreviated summer sessions and accelerated courses. Students should be aware that several withdrawals appearing on their records may be interpreted as an academic weakness. It should be noted that there may be financial implications when a course is dropped. Consultation with the Financial Aid Office is strongly recommended.

If, as a result of dropping course(s), a student falls below 12 credits in a term (9 credits for a graduate student), he/she will lose full time student status which may impact financial aid and/or immigration status. Exact dates for deleting and withdrawing courses are established by the University (not the College) and are available on-line each term. Moreover, it is highly recommended that students retain all copies of add/drop activities for their own records.

Children in the Classroom

Students of the ĢƵ have the right to attend class free from the distraction of non-students. Therefore, the general policy of the University is that non-registrants are not allowed in the classroom or laboratory. This pertains to children of students as well as other non-registrants because classrooms and other instructional facilities are not intended for children. A faculty member may, at his/her discretion, allow a student to bring a child or other non-registrant to class in an emergency situation provided that:

  • the behavior of the child or other non-registrant is appropriate to the classroom;
  • the rights of all other enrolled students to an effective learning environment are assured;
  • that the presence of the child or other non-registrant is not habitual,
  • and that the child or other non-registrant does not compromise the academic use of any computers or other equipment used in the learning facility.

Under no circumstances should a student bring a child or other non-registrant to an experimental laboratory or a clinical facility.

Classification of Undergraduate Students

Students are classified on the basis of the number of earned hours completed according to the following scheme:

  • FRESHMAN: Less than 32 earned credits
  • SOPHOMORE: At least 32 earned credits and less than 63 credits
  • JUNIOR: At least 63 earned credits and less than 95 credits
  • SENIOR: 95 or more earned credits

Even though a student may be in one of the above classifications, the actual progress in the program will be determined by his or her progress in the sequence of courses needed for graduation (e.g. an engineering student who has not successfully completed Calculus I and II is still considered a freshman in the program).

Classroom Etiquette

To prevent distracting classroom instruction, students should not use cell phones during class time, including texting. Cell phones are not permitted in Chemistry laboratory. Also, phones should be turned off during class time (see the section ELECTRONIC DEVICES IN THE CLASSROOM.) Unless there is an emergency, students should refrain from leaving the room while class is in session. Food and drink are prohibited in all computer and instructional laboratories. Food should not be consumed during class sessions unless medically necessary.

Co-Operative Education

All undergraduate students in Engineering programs (excluding some concentrations in the Bachelor of Engineering international programs) are required to participate in co-operative education. Students in Science and Mathematics programs are also strongly encouraged to participate. Engineering students will normally complete their three required co-op assignments during the summer terms. In order to prepare for the experience of finding a co-op job and participating effectively in it, students should take CTA 3000 during Term I of their Freshman year.

Part-time students may earn co-op credit through appropriate full-time technical work. Such students petition the E & S Co-op Office for co-op credit by portfolio at the beginning of their last term of study. It is also possible, but difficult for a student to complete part-time co-ops during a student’s academic terms. Note that this could result in additional semesters to complete required courses only offered once per year.

Co-op credits from other institutions are not transferable to ĢƵ.

Core Curriculum

In addition to the courses required for a program, the student must also fulfill the requirements of the University Core Curriculum for this program.

Some of these courses may be satisfied by courses in your program.  Please review your Degree Evaluation or consult your academic advisor for more information.


See Personal Counseling

Course Grades

Not uncommonly a student might believe that they need a higher grade than they were assigned. They might seek a higher grade through offering to perform extra work. Grade negotiation of this type is not the practice of the College. Each student in a class is to have equal opportunity to convey their knowledge of the course material through common measures (e.g. homework, quizzes, papers, presentations and examinations). If a student believes that he or she was unfairly graded in a course, then the College Grievance Policy should be followed. See Appendix C.

Course Syllabi

Each student should receive from the instructor, during the first regular class session, a written copy of the syllabus for that course. The syllabus should include information such as: a brief description of the purposes and topic content of the course; the grading system employed in the course; attendance policies; required and optional textbooks; special materials and supplies; the approximate dates of major examinations and/or papers; any required “field trips” or other obligations; and the location of the instructor’s office, regularly scheduled office hours and a place where messages to the instructor can be left. For some courses, syllabi may be found online.

Credit by Examination

In special cases, it is possible that a student has acquired prior knowledge of course material without having formal documentation (i.e. not on a transcript from an accredited college). Under these conditions, it may be possible for a student to “test out of a course.” There is a non-refundable fee for this process. Students interested in Credit by Examination should contact the chair of the department in which the course is offered and must provide documentation and reasoning that supports their eligibility for credit by exam.

Dead Week

It should be noted that it is University policy not to give quizzes or examinations during the week preceding the final week of a 15 week course. This is referred to as “DEAD WEEK”. It is acceptable, however, for instructors to require homework or papers due during this week.

Dean’s List

During the duration of the undergraduate program a student earning a QPA of 3.50 or above will be placed on the Dean’s list for the term in which that average was earned.

Dual Degrees

See Multiple Majors

Elective Courses

Electives provide students the opportunity to tailor an undergraduate academic program to meet specific interests. Some majors have several electives in the published academic program. Others have very few or no electives. In all cases elective courses may be taken over and above the minimum program required for graduation. Elective courses are selected through discussion with the academic advisor and should be part of a coherent overall plan of study. Technical electives in engineering programs are restricted to the approved lists of courses published by the individual departments and are, at a minimum, courses in the College numbered 3000 and above. General electives may be taken from any of the University’s offerings (except those noted below). They are the choice of the student. Transfer students may have suitable courses, taken prior to transfer, assigned as technical or free electives through the transcript evaluation process.

Electronic Devices in the Classroom

The type of electronic devices that can be used during a class or on an examination will be determined either by the department for which the course is taught or by the instructor of the class. Once these rules are set for a class, they will be strictly enforced. All other electronic devices such as cell phones should be silenced during class time. Students should be sure they are aware of a department’s or instructor’s policy in the classes for which they are registered. Cell phones are not permitted in Chemistry labs.

Exceptions and Substitutions

When, for serious reasons, there is a perceived need for a student to deviate from his/her academic program or a published regulation, the student may petition the College Student Affairs Committee. The written petition is submitted to the Student Affairs Committee in care of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and should contain details on the circumstances associated with the requested exception or substitution. Exceptions and/or substitutions are only provided where there is a clear case of unreasonable hardship that occurs through no fault of the student. In all cases, engineering students must fulfill all requirements for ABET accreditation. A written response is provided, usually within 2 weeks after the request.

Finals Week

The last week of each of the regular trimesters is set aside for a single class session for each course. The class meets for either an extended class period or an examination. The class meeting time is posted on the Schedule of Classes. If a student has been assigned three examinations during the same day of “Final Week” he/she may ask his/her professors for reassignment of an exam. In such situations or in conflicts involving two scheduled class meetings the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs may be consulted for resolution.

Graduation Preparation

For undergraduate students, final arrangements for graduation begins with the preparation and implementation of a Senior Graduation Plan (see the Section SENIOR GRADUATION PLAN) usually at the end of their junior year. The student completes the Senior Graduation Plan in consultation with his or her advisor. All students must complete an Application for Graduation at the end of the term prior to that in which they expect to complete their graduation requirements. This form can be obtained in the College Records Office (E242) or department offices. The information provided in the application is the basis for the preparation of the Commencement Program and preparation of the diploma. Thus, it is imperative that this form be completed accurately and returned in a timely manner.

The University Commencement Exercise (at which diplomas are awarded) is held in May. Students must RSVP for Commencement in order to participate. Diplomas can also be obtained without a ceremony at the end of the month in which the degree requirements were completed.

Students who can complete all graduation requirements by the end of Term III may petition for permission to participate in the May Commencement Exercises if they have registered for the courses necessary to complete the degree requirements and the Dean approves the petition. A graduation fee (set annually by the University) is required for all candidates for graduation.

Graduation Requirements

The program requirements of a student are a combination of requirements set by the University, College, and Department. These requirements are given in general form in the Undergraduate Catalog and the Graduate Catalog and are summarized for each student on the student's DEGREE EVALUATION in TitanConnect. Any changes in the program requirements for an individual student must be made by the Chair and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. Any approved changes must be documented in the student's file.  See the section EXCEPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS.

The graduation requirements for programs in the College are as follows:

Undergraduate Students:

  1. Minimum of 126 earned credit hours.
  2. Completion of all required courses, including those in the University Core Curriculum: See CORE CURRICULUM in this handbook.
  3. Attainment of a minimum 2.00 QPA for overall QPA
  4. Attainment of a minimum 2.00 QPA for "major" courses as described below:
    • For Software Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics students, a minimum 2.00 QPA in all CSSE (for Computer Science and Software Engineering majors) or MTH (for Mathematics majors) courses taken in the major.
    • For Engineering students a minimum 2.00 QPA for all engineering courses that are part of the Departmental program (Courses at the 3000 level and above in the published Departmental program).
  5. For Engineering students (except for the Bachelor of Engineering international programs, see Degree Evaluation), three full-time co-op rotations (or the equivalent) is required.

When all course work is completed and the undergraduate student is being certified for graduation, a computation is made for academic honors based on cumulative gpa. Honors are posted on the transcript and diploma. See university catalog for qualifications.


In the event of a difference of position between a faculty member and a student, a formal procedure exists to aid in the resolution of the matter. In general, students are advised to consult with the instructor prior to beginning the appeal process in an attempt to resolve the difference. All appeals (in writing) should be filed in a timely manner, preferably shortly after the cause for the grievance occurs. Please see Appendix C for the complete Engineering and Science Grievance Policy.

Guests (see Children)

The approval of guests attending a class session is at the discretion of the instructor. A student must “audit” the course if they intend to be present for a significant portion of the term. Auditing a course results in a tuition charge (except in the case of the alumni audit benefit).

“I” Grades

An "I" grade may be given to a student when the student has been unable for a serious reason to complete the course. An "I" grade is appropriate under the following conditions:

  • The student is passing the course as of the date of the inability to continue in the course.
  • The student becomes unable to continue in the course after the last date to withdraw from the course with a "W".

Other extreme circumstances may support an "I" grade with the Dean's approval.

The request for an "I" must be initiated by the student, it is not an automatic grade given by an instructor.

University regulations require that the work be completed no later than eight weeks after the end of the term in which the "I" grade was received. The instructor may establish earlier dates for the completion of work. With good reason, the student may petition for an extension. "I" Grade Extension Petition forms are available in the Records Office.

Students with an excused absence from a final examination must complete the examination within two weeks of the scheduled date, unless the appropriate college administrator permits an extension of the deadline in writing. An "I" grade, not otherwise changed by the dates stipulated, will be changed to an "I/F" (treated as an "F" in the QPA). If there is too much work to be made up in the judgment of the faculty member (e.g., four weeks of the term missed), it may be necessary for the student to repeat the course. (No "I" grade is recorded.) The University does not permit a student to "sit in" on the portion of the class missed. To receive credit for a class a student must register for it and pay the appropriate tuition and fees.

The instructor who intends to assign an "I" grade must complete the College form. The instructor will provide information on the student and the reason for the Incomplete along with specific details on what outstanding work is to be completed and the date by which it will be submitted for review. The last date to complete the work is identified in the University calendar.

If a student does not complete the work after 8 weeks the Registrar converts the grade to "I/F" (Incomplete/Failing) for undergraduate students. Undergraduate students must have "I" grades removed prior to graduation.

Laboratory Safety

Students in the College take numerous laboratory courses. While special care is taken in the set-up of laboratory experiments to minimize risks, it is essential to follow proper safety precautions while in the lab. It is essential that the protective wear (e.g. safety glasses, gloves, hair nets, face masks, lab coats) appropriate for the specific laboratory be used. Laboratory staff has the authority to remove from a laboratory anyone not properly protected.

Power machinery (milling machines, saws, drill presses, grinders, etc.) may only be operated by those properly instructed and cautioned as to safe practices of the specific piece of equipment. Please see the College safety procedures for more information.

Learning Center

See University Academic Services

Major Declaration

When students enter the ĢƵ, they are assigned to a program based on the information supplied on the Application for Admission. If it is necessary for the major to be changed at some point after admission to the University, this action is accomplished by the completion of a Change or Correction of College/Program/Advisor Form. Speak to your advisor or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs about this process. It is important that a student is placed in the proper Department/Program as soon as he or she is reasonably sure of his/her academic objective.


The University offers several academic minors. The list of academic minors is available in the catalog on the University’s website. A Change of Program Form should be submitted for approval to the department hosting the minor.

Multiple Majors

A student may pursue course work in more than one field of study in a variety of ways. One way is to use elective credits to take courses in a field outside of the major field of study. A student can receive a second major by satisfying the requirements for the second major.

Another possibility is to work toward two distinct degrees. These can be granted through the fulfillment of the course requirements of both programs and the completion of a minimum of thirty hours of course work beyond the first degree. It is not necessary for both degrees to be conferred at the same time. Students pursuing double degrees should file a letter of intent signed by the appropriate program chairpersons. Note: In order to qualify for graduation with honors in the second degree program, the second baccalaureate degree must total at least 30 credit hours beyond those required for the first baccalaureate degree. Please consult your financial aid advisor to determine how this will impact your financial aid.


The pass/fail grading option is provided to encourage students to explore challenging elective courses which they might not otherwise select. The final grade for a course taken pass/fail may be a "P", or "F". Grades of "A" through "D" are converted to "P". Hours earned with a grade of "P" count toward graduation (earned hours) but a "P" does not enter into the calculation of the QPA. A final grade of "F" is treated in the same manner as in those courses which are not taken pass/fail. This option is irreversible.

Students may convert eligible courses to a pass/fail basis during the second week of classes by completing the appropriate form in the College Records Office. Eligibility for pass/fail registration is subject to the following conditions:

  • The following courses may not be taken on a pass/fail basis:
    • Courses used to satisfy a University Core Curriculum requirement.
    • Courses required by the student's major program or any certificate or minor program.
  • Only students with a cumulative QPA of 2.50 or better are eligible to take courses on a pass/fail basis, except in certain designated classes (e.g. ENGR 3112).
  • A maximum of 12 credit hours may be taken on a pass/fail basis during a student's academic program.

Personal Counseling

The Personal Counseling service is interested in preventing emotional problems and providing appropriate services to persons who suffer from psychological distress.

Services Available:

  • Short-term individual, family and group psychotherapy
  • Assessment and referral
  • Educational presentations regarding psychological topics
  • Consultation


  • Call to schedule appointments
  • All services free of charge
  • Strict confidentiality is adhered
  • University wide eligibility for all students regardless of location.

The Director is: Annamaria Silveri, MA, LPC Director of Personal Counseling

Wellness Center, West Quad

Phone: 313-993-1170 Email: silveran@udmercy.edu

Please call for an appointment.

Placement Tests

Freshmen: In order to assist advisors in placing students in the most appropriate courses, all new entering freshmen are required to take placement exams in areas relevant to their programs and interest. For most E & S students, these tests will be in English, Chemistry and Mathematics. This is normally done during freshmen orientation. Students have the option of retaking a placement test once. (There is a fee for retaking the Placement Tests.)

Transfer Students: If a transfer student has not had previous college work in required English, Chemistry or Mathematics, he/she is required to take placement exams in those areas (if applicable). If several years have passed since last taking courses in a particular subject, the placements tests can be taken to assist a student and advisor to determine the best academic starting point. In any case, because of the importance of good writing skills throughout the curriculum, transfer students are encouraged to take the English placement test.

Posting a Transcript

Shortly after a student is certified for graduation by the College and the degree is conferred, the student's official transcript may be ordered online through the National Student Clearing House through TitanConnect. An unofficial transcript is also available on TitanConnect.

Prerequisite Courses

Some prerequisite courses may be required of a student to ensure their success in a program. They are to be completed as early as possible in the student’s study plan. Failure to take a prerequisite course first does not eliminate it from a student’s graduation requirements. Many prerequisites include a minimum course grade of “C”. All mathematics courses, freshmen and sophomore Chemistry and Biology courses, and some courses in other majors require a grade of “C” or better in any prerequisite courses.

To see the prerequisites for a course, click the course title in the CLASS SCHEDULE in TitanConnect.

Quality Point Average (QPA)

The Quality Point Average (QPA) of a student is determined by dividing the number of earned quality points by the number of attempted hours. The QPA can be determined for a student’s overall record at the University, for the Major Program, or for some portion of the overall record. Repeating courses may modify the computation of the QPA (see the section REPEATING A CLASS).


Students who have completed course work at Mercy College of Detroit, University of Detroit or ĢƵ and who have not enrolled at the University for two years or more should apply for readmission by completing a Readmission Application. This form can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office or from any of the college offices. Students who have completed college work at other institutions prior to applying for readmission to the University will be expected to submit transcripts from each college attended. Readmission is subject to approval of the Dean of the College.


During the advising period set aside by the University, students meet with their advisors to plan a program of courses for the following term. They then register online using TitanConnect after being authorized by their advisor. Students should make an attempt to register as early as possible for any upcoming term. Early registration helps the student avoid closed sections and course conflicts. Students should prepare for the meeting with the advisor by assuring that prerequisites for the courses they wish to take have been completed and that all courses are taken in the sequence established by the department. Students should run their Degree Evaluation in TitanConnect which provides an overview of his/her record, requirements completed and those still needed. This is the principal tool used by the advisor in the advising process. Each student has the responsibility to review their Degree Evaluation and check it for accuracy at each meeting with the advisor. Careful attention to the early registration process can eliminate much of the Change in Registration activity.

Once a student has registered for a term, he/she is responsible for the payment or the arrangement for payment of tuition and fees before the beginning of the term.

Registration for a course represents a commitment to that course. After registration, if a student fails to attend the course and does not withdraw from the course, a grade of “F” usually results. Any student who has not registered and made arrangements to pay for courses by the end of the third week is not considered officially registered and will not receive grades for any courses and may not attend class.

A student is officially a member of a class only when the registration process is completed, including the arrangement for the payment of fees. Only those students whose names are on the class list are registered students.

Repeating a Class

A student may, for good and sufficient reasons, register for a course in which he or she has already received a low passing grade or an “F”. In such cases both the original and the new grade remain on the student’s transcript. When a student repeats any courses, only the second grade is used in the QPA calculation (even if that grade is a lower one) - the first grade (although remaining on the transcript) is eliminated from the QPA. These changes will be reflected in a student’s Academic History when end of term processing has been completed by the registrar’s office – normally a few days after final grades are due. If a student does NOT want to use the Repeat rule for a particular class, he/she must inform the records office in writing.

Note: Students returning under the “Transfer Option” are not eligible for the Repeat Rule.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (Financial Aid)

The conditions set forth for satisfactory academic performance are provided in detail in the current Undergraduate Catalog. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office at 313-993-3350 for more information.

Senior Graduation Plan

The responsibility of fulfilling all program requirements for the degree resides with the student. As an aid to the student’s efforts in meeting his or her graduation requirements, a SENIOR GRADUATION PLAN is to be completed by the student, the advisor, and chairperson at the beginning of the senior year (or end of junior year). Each student must complete this plan, as its implementation should assure timely graduation. Furthermore, each student is expected to be aware at all times of his or her progress in meeting degree requirements. A student must complete all the required courses in the program, not merely accumulate a certain number of hours and meet all QPA requirements (see Graduation Requirements).

Senior Privilege

ĢƵ undergraduate seniors with at least a 3.25 quality point average may be permitted to take up to nine graduate credits to be used toward a master’s degree. The student must have at least 110 earned hours and the approval of the chair or director of the graduate program offering the course. A level override approval form must be submitted to the Dean’s office prior to registration. (Forms are available in the Records Office). Permission to enroll in graduate courses under senior privilege does not imply acceptance into a graduate program. Students enrolled through senior privilege must follow the procedures and meet the established requirements in order to continue their graduate study.

Senior Residency Rule

Candidates for a bachelor’s degree are to complete the last 30 credit hours of their program at the ĢƵ. Any exception to this rule must be petitioned in writing to the Associate Dean for ĢƵ for review by the Student Affairs Committee.

Sequence of Courses

The program flow charts, where they exist, illustrate the normal sequence of courses in the various programs. Some variations of these sequences are possible but care should be taken in that not every course is offered every term. In general, freshmen courses should be taken during the freshman year, sophomore courses during the sophomore year, etc. Students who delay the completion of courses planned for early in the program frequently find that course scheduling conflicts prevent the timely completion of program requirements.

Special Needs

Upon admission to the University and a program in the College of Engineering and Science, it is the responsibility of a student to identify any special needs that may require an instructor to modify classroom events. This would normally be done on the Application for Admission. Once documented, instructors are then notified of the nature of the student’s needs. Current students who develop needs for special assistance due to physical or other handicaps, on either a temporary or long-term basis, should contact Emilie Gallegos in the University Advising and Academic Services Office at 993-1143. Official documentation is always required. Faculty will then be notified of the nature of the student needs.

Student Academic Files/FERPA

Upon entry into the College, an academic file is generated for each student. This file contains application materials, grade reports, and advising notes. Once a student has declared a major, the file also includes a summary form which details all major program requirements.

By Federal Law, the academic file of the student is private information and available only to personnel within the University with a legitimate need for the information. In general, a student’s academic record can only be released to a third person by written authorization by the student. This written authorization must be renewed for each communication.

Student Organizations

Participation in these organizations by students is voluntary, but students should strongly consider such participation for a number of reasons. These organizations give students the opportunity to associate both professionally and socially with students and faculty members who have similar professional interests. New students, in particular, can learn much about their major program and subsequent professional directions from upperclassmen, faculty, and alumni, and from discipline-oriented programming by the organization. Active participation can give students leadership experience. It is for all these reasons that potential graduate schools and employers consider participation in extracurricular activities an important consideration when reviewing applicants. Please refer to Appendix D for a list of the student organizations in the College of Engineering and Science.

Time Limits

There is no official time limit for the completion of an undergraduate program. Note however, the information under the Handbook section “Catalog of Entry” relative to discontinued or altered programs/courses. In addition, financial aid availability may be impacted if it is determined a student is not making satisfactory progress towards a degree.

Transfer Credit

For students transferring to the University, transcripts of work completed at other schools should be sent directly to the Records Office of the College of Engineering & Science. They are then automatically routed to the University’s Transfer Credit/Degree Audit Office for evaluation of credit. A short time after receipt of transcripts, evaluation of the transcript should be completed with written documentation available to the student. Only OFFICIAL transcripts sent directly from the other institution to ĢƵ are considered. When there is doubt about the equivalency of courses, the student may be asked to submit course descriptions of courses. The evaluation of a transcript may grant credit for course work that is not applicable to the student’s program in the College. (Exception: International students must earn a full term of credit prior to the preparation of an official evaluation.)

In considering transfer credit for engineering students, no credit will be granted for engineering design courses unless the credit was earned in an ABET accredited program.

A maximum of 63 credit hours can be transferred from community and junior colleges unless an articulation agreement exists. The maximum which can be transferred from four year institutions is 96 credit hours. In any case, transfer students are expected to complete all of the fourth year courses of the curriculum under which they are studying at the ĢƵ in order to receive a degree from the ĢƵ. Of these 30 credit hours at ĢƵ, engineering students must complete a minimum of 24 credits in major courses (3000 level or above).

Current Students, with the prior approval of the department, may take courses at other colleges or universities. The student is to prepare a “Request for Transfer Credit Form” providing details on the course requested and signed by the student’s department chair and the Associate Dean for ĢƵ. The student should also complete the “Guest Student Application Form.” After the course is successfully completed the student should arrange to have an Official Transcript sent to the College Records Office. The student must request to have the transcript sent; this is not an automatic process. The course transfers, but the grade does not, except where special agreements are in place. In any case, only courses with the grade of “C” or better will transfer.

Note: Courses with grades of “C-” do not transfer.

In general, students are discouraged from taking courses at other schools unless it can be demonstrated that not taking the course would significantly delay graduation or cause other undue hardship. The University residency requirement states that candidates for a bachelor degree must complete the last 30 credit hours of their program “In Residence” at the ĢƵ (i.e.., seniors are not permitted to take courses at other Universities).

Also, generally when a course is offered at ĢƵ a similar course cannot be taken at another institution during the same term. Exception to this must be petitioned in writing.

Transfer Student Option

After an absence from the University of at least one year, an undergraduate student may request readmission under transfer option. Under this option, the student is treated as a transfer student in the computing of his/her academic standing. This means that the student may re-enter with advanced standing but with no previously accumulated quality point average. When considering the student’s academic history, no course with a grade of “C-” or below will be considered for credit toward a degree. This option is irreversible. Students who return under the Transfer Option are not eligible to use the “Repeat Rule” (see Repeating a Class). Readmission is available only for existing programs at the time of the application process.

University Academic Services

Need help with any of your classes? The LEARNING CENTER on the 3rd Floor of the Library has FREE peer tutoring. Sponsored by the UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC SERVICES, the Learning Center is Open Days, Evenings and Weekends, Call 313-993-1143 for an appointment or if you have any questions.

Appendix A - Important Phone Numbers

  • Interim Dean Katherine Snyder: E126 313-993-3362
  • Associate Dean Richard Hill (Research and Outreach): E130 313-993-0428
  • Associate Dean (Academic Affairs): E242
  • College Fax: E124 313-993-1187
  • E & S Records Office: E246 313-993-1574
  • Biology Department: LS101 313-993-1180
  • Chemistry Department: C109 313-993-1258
  • Math, Computer Science & Software Engineering Department: E259 313-993-1503
  • Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Department: E262 313-993-1578
  • Electrical & Computer Engineering Department: E330 313-993-3365
  • Mechanical Engineering Department: E214 313-993-3372